Microprocessed Voltage Regulator
Three-Phase Perfection Premium Series
User´s Manual
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The electronic voltage regulators were developed by
to meet the most
sophisticated and demanding consumers. The main characteristic is to withstand
great load variations
– 0 to 100% - in extremely short periods of time – in the
millisecond order, keeping the output absolutely stable, within 1%.
Moreover, this model has a wide range of input variation, 16% of overvoltage and
16% undervoltage, assuring extremely high performance in any work range.
The correction time for electric power variations exceeds all previous expectations,
being inferior to 4.0 milliseconds.
The project was developed so as to reach a high yield, taking into consideration
the best MTBF.
In the project, every automatic internal command was considered, dismissing the
intervention of the operator as, for instance, the undervoltage and overvoltage
system with automatic reset.
Stabilization Principle
The Perfection Premium Series Voltage regulator uses sophisticated IGBT
modules which generate the wave form needed to correct the electric supply
voltage variations. The result is a precision rate on the output voltage of +/- 1%,
due to its linear correction system, without the use of taps or voltage steps.
The output voltage adjustment takes place through the compensation transformer
automatic key, so as to add or subtract minute voltage values thus influencing the
voltage regulator output voltage.
The voltage regulator is highly stable for any load level and/or input voltage, even
with sudden variations of +/- 16% in the input and 0 - 100% of load; the output
voltage remains constant and invariable in time. The reference voltage for the
regulation circuit and control maintain stable, overall for ambient temperature
variations within the normal specified range, according to the technical
The regulation circuit and control have appropriate filters and other needed
elements in order to ensure the output voltage stability for all adverse conditions.
After the occurrence of any transitory character disturbance (non-oscillatory), either
on the input voltage or on the load, the output characteristics will return to the
stable status within the criteria established for any dynamic regulation of the