Numer pozycji: 2608
Przed pierwszym uż yciem
• Ostrożnie wyjmij miotłę parową i akcesoria z opakowania i sprawdź urządzenie pod kątem kompletności i uszkodzeń. Nie
należy używać uszkodzonych elementów. W takim przypadku należy skontaktować się z działem obsługi klienta.
• Zdjąć wszystkie opakowania transportowe i folie ochronne z miotły parowej i akcesoriów.
W zbiorniku na wodę mogą znajdować się resztki wody. To nie jest wada.
Pokazuje to jedynie, że urządzenie zostało przetestowane przez dział kontroli jakości.
1. Włożyć urządzenie główne [A] do urządzenia przytrzymującego [B], aż usłyszysz
jego kliknięcie na miejscu. Urządzenie główne [A] można ponownie wyjąć,
naciskając przycisk blokujący [6].
2. Wcisnąć urządzenie przytrzymujące [B] na stopę parową [M], aż zatrzaśnie się na miejscu.
Naciskając przycisk zwalniający z tyłu, można wyjąć stopę parową [M]
z urządzenia przytrzymującego [B].
3. Złóż uchwyt [2] do góry, aż usłyszysz jego kliknięcie. Złożyć z powrotem uchwyt [2] za
pomocą przycisku blokującego na przegubie przegubowym [1].
4. Pociągnąć pokrywę wycieraczki antywirusowej [K] nad stopą parową [M]
i dokręcić ją sznur- kiem.
5. Aby wyczyścić dywany, należy umieścić suwak dywanowy [N] na stopce parowej [M].
Przed użyciem miotły parowej zalecamy dokładne odkurzenie lub oczyszczenie
z okruchów i tym podobnych powierzchni.
Napełnianie zbiornika na wodę
Metoda 1 - Napełnić wprowadzony zbiornik na wodę
1. Obrócić pokrywę zbiornika wody [13] w kierunku przeciwnym do ruchu wskazówek zegara,
aby otworzyć zbiornik wody [15].
2. Napełnić zbiornik wody [15] dostarczonym kubkiem pomiarowym [J].
3. Założyć pokrywę [13] i przykręcić ją z powrotem, przekręcając ją zgodnie z
ruchem wska- zówek zegara.
Metoda 2 - Napełnić usunięty zbiornik wody
1. Wyciągnąć zbiornik wody [15] z jednostki głównej [A], naciskając i przytrzymując oba przyciski
blokujące na zbiorniku wody [14].
2. Obrócić pokrywę zbiornika wody [15] w kierunku przeciwnym do ruchu wskazówek zegara,
aby otworzyć zbiornik wody [15].
3. Zbiornik na wodę [15] trzymać pod kranem i napełnić go.
4. Założyć pokrywę [13] i przykręcić ją z powrotem zgodnie z ruchem wskazówek zegara.
5. Włóż zbiornik na wodę z powrotem do jednostki głównej [A], aż zatrzaśnie się kopnięciem.
Czyszczenie powierzchni parą wodną
1. Włóż wtyczkę zasilania do gniazdka elektrycznego.
2. Włączyć urządzenie przyciskiem włącz/wyłącz [9].
3. Lampki [10] zaczynają świecić się na czerwono, wskazując, że miotła parowa jest w fazie nagrzewania. Rozgrzanie trwa około
25 sekund. Gdy tylko lampki [10] zaświecą się na niebiesko, urządzenie jest gotowe do pracy.
Pełny zbiornik wody wystarczy na około 20 minut. W przypadku przerwania zasilania podczas lub po nagrzewaniu wstęp-
nym, urządzenie powtórzy opisaną powyżej procedurę nagrzewania
Each steam mop is 100% tested in the factory to ensure product performance and
safety.When assembling your new steam mop for the first time you may notice water residue
inside of the unit.
Before attempting any of the following operations,make sure that the appliance is
switched off and unplugged and that the appliance is cold and contains minimal or no water.
Spread holder
Round the holder along spindle until click to fix holder.
Press spindle button 1,turn the holder,the holder can become folded state.
Attaching the steam head
Slide the bottom end of main body onto
the steam head M until Steam head Spindle 5
clicks into place
The steam head M can be removed from the
Main body by pressing salient point on the
Steam head Spindle 5
Attaching a cleaning pad
Because of barb design at the bottom of steam head M,just
place a micro-fiber cleaning pad L to steam had,they can
bond hard.
Place the front of your shoe onto the cleaning pad removal
Tab and press down firmly.
Attaching Carpet Gilder
Press the micro-fiber cleaning pad L with main body to
Carpet gilder O by vertical pressure
until it into place.
Place the front of your shoe onto the cleaning pad removal
Tab and press down firmly,carpet gilder will remove form
steam head
Page 5 of 10
Each steam mop is 100% tested in the factory to ensure product performance and
safety.When assembling your new steam mop for the first time you may notice water residue
inside of the unit.
Before attempting any of the following operations,make sure that the appliance is
switched off and unplugged and that the appliance is cold and contains minimal or no water.
Spread holder
Round the holder along spindle until click to fix holder.
Press spindle button 1,turn the holder,the holder can become folded state.
Attaching the steam head
Slide the bottom end of main body onto
the steam head M until Steam head Spindle 5
clicks into place
The steam head M can be removed from the
Main body by pressing salient point on the
Steam head Spindle 5
Attaching a cleaning pad
Because of barb design at the bottom of steam head M,just
place a micro-fiber cleaning pad L to steam had,they can
bond hard.
Place the front of your shoe onto the cleaning pad removal
Tab and press down firmly.
Attaching Carpet Gilder
Press the micro-fiber cleaning pad L with main body to
Carpet gilder O by vertical pressure
until it into place.
Place the front of your shoe onto the cleaning pad removal
Tab and press down firmly,carpet gilder will remove form
steam head
Page 5 of 10
Each steam mop is 100% tested in the factory to ensure product performance and
safety.When assembling your new steam mop for the first time you may notice water residue
inside of the unit.
Before attempting any of the following operations,make sure that the appliance is
switched off and unplugged and that the appliance is cold and contains minimal or no water.
Spread holder
Round the holder along spindle until click to fix holder.
Press spindle button 1,turn the holder,the holder can become folded state.
Attaching the steam head
Slide the bottom end of main body onto
the steam head M until Steam head Spindle 5
clicks into place
The steam head M can be removed from the
Main body by pressing salient point on the
Steam head Spindle 5
Attaching a cleaning pad
Because of barb design at the bottom of steam head M,just
place a micro-fiber cleaning pad L to steam had,they can
bond hard.
Place the front of your shoe onto the cleaning pad removal
Tab and press down firmly.
Attaching Carpet Gilder
Press the micro-fiber cleaning pad L with main body to
Carpet gilder O by vertical pressure
until it into place.
Place the front of your shoe onto the cleaning pad removal
Tab and press down firmly,carpet gilder will remove form
steam head
Page 5 of 10
Each steam mop is 100% tested in the factory to ensure product performance and
safety.When assembling your new steam mop for the first time you may notice water residue
inside of the unit.
Before attempting any of the following operations,make sure that the appliance is
switched off and unplugged and that the appliance is cold and contains minimal or no water.
Spread holder
Round the holder along spindle until click to fix holder.
Press spindle button 1,turn the holder,the holder can become folded state.
Attaching the steam head
Slide the bottom end of main body onto
the steam head M until Steam head Spindle 5
clicks into place
The steam head M can be removed from the
Main body by pressing salient point on the
Steam head Spindle 5
Attaching a cleaning pad
Because of barb design at the bottom of steam head M,just
place a micro-fiber cleaning pad L to steam had,they can
bond hard.
Place the front of your shoe onto the cleaning pad removal
Tab and press down firmly.
Attaching Carpet Gilder
Press the micro-fiber cleaning pad L with main body to
Carpet gilder O by vertical pressure
until it into place.
Place the front of your shoe onto the cleaning pad removal
Tab and press down firmly,carpet gilder will remove form
steam head
Page 5 of 10
Method one:
Open the water tank cup 5 by counterclockwise
rotation,fill 360ML water use Measuring cup,
and then clockwise rotation to close water tank cup 5.
Method two
Remove the water tank from main body,open the
water tank cup 5 by counterclockwise rotation,fill
the water tank from water faucet.,and then clockwise
rotation to close water tank cup 5.
Install the water tank 7to main body until it clicks into place.
2.Plug in the appliance to a grounded outlet.
3.When switch the appliance on,the indicator lights will turn red at the each side of water tank,it
indicate preheating.If the lights does not illuminate,please check the "troubleshooting" section for
more details.
4.It will takes approximately 25 seconds for preheating.Once the steam mop is ready to use the
water tank will glow blue.
5.When the water tank full fill with water,it can work approximately 20 minutes.If the water tank
7 without water,the indicator lights 12 will glow red,and the lights will flash to point out need to
add water
If power off during preheating or after preheating,then power again,the
appliance will repeat above preheating action.
6.Press the steam button 4 and steam button13,the steam out.
7.Add control volume by turn steam control knob 8
and counterclockwise to reduce
can adjust steam volume according different objects
steam volume control by PCB,It will takes 3 seconds adaptation time
when you adjust steam volume .It is normal phenomenon.
8. When normal cleaning,the steam head
has big rotary angle,can clean corners
nd also can clean low space.
Push Lock Catch,take the main body A out of holder A,and also take out the power cord.
Install the accessory adaptor at the top of main body A,until it into place.
Press salient point at the accessory adaptor to remove the accessory adaptor from main body
Choose the appropriate accessories(check accessories use list),according to arrow indicator to
align and implant to accessory adaptor G,then turn anticlockwise,until it into place.
Page 6 of 10
rotation,fill 360ML water use Measuring cup,
and then clockwise rotation to close water tank cup 5.
Method two
Remove the water tank from main body,open the
water tank cup 5 by counterclockwise rotation,fill
the water tank from water faucet.,and then clockwise
rotation to close water tank cup 5.
Install the water tank 7to main body until it clicks into place.
2.Plug in the appliance to a grounded outlet.
3.When switch the appliance on,the indicator lights will turn red at the each side of water tank,it
indicate preheating.If the lights does not illuminate,please check the "troubleshooting" section for
more details.
4.It will takes approximately 25 seconds for preheating.Once the steam mop is ready to use the
water tank will glow blue.
5.When the water tank full fill with water,it can work approximately 20 minutes.If the water tank
7 without water,the indicator lights 12 will glow red,and the lights will flash to point out need to
add water
If power off during preheating or after preheating,then power again,the
appliance will repeat above preheating action.
6.Press the steam button 4 and steam button13,the steam out.
7.Add control volume by turn steam control knob 8
and counterclockwise to reduce
can adjust steam volume according different objects
steam volume control by PCB,It will takes 3 seconds adaptation time
when you adjust steam volume .It is normal phenomenon.
8. When normal cleaning,the steam head
has big rotary angle,can clean corners
and also can clean low space.
Push Lock Catch,take the main body A out of holder A,and also take out the power cord.
Install the accessory adaptor at the top of main body A,until it into place.
Press salient point at the accessory adaptor to remove the accessory adaptor from main body
Choose the appropriate accessories(check accessories use list),according to arrow indicator to
align and implant to accessory adaptor G,then turn anticlockwise,until it into place.
Page 6 of 10
1.Filling the water tank
Method one:
Open the water tank cup 5 by counterclockwise
rotation,fill 360ML water use Measuring cup,
and then clockwise rotation to close water tank cup 5.
Method two
Remove the water tank from main body,open the
water tank cup 5 by counterclockwise rotation,fill
the water tank from water faucet.,and then clockwise
rotation to close water tank cup 5.
Install the water tank 7to main body until it clicks into place.
2.Plug in the appliance to a grounded outlet.
3.When switch the appliance on,the indicator lights will turn red at the each side of water tank,it
indicate preheating.If the lights does not illuminate,please check the "troubleshooting" section for
more details.
4.It will takes approximately 25 seconds for preheating.Once the steam mop is ready to use the
water tank will glow blue.
5.When the water tank full fill with water,it can work approximately 20 minutes.If the water tank
7 without water,the indicator lights 12 will glow red,and the lights will flash to point out need to
add water
If power off during preheating or after preheating,then power again,the
appliance will repeat above preheating action.
6.Press the steam button 4 and steam button13,the steam out.
7.Add control volume by turn steam control knob 8
and counterclockwise to reduce
can adjust steam volume according different objects
steam volume control by PCB,It will takes 3 seconds adaptation time
when you adjust steam volume .It is normal phenomenon.
8. When normal cleaning,the steam head
has big rotary angle,can clean corners
and also can clean low space.
Push Lock Catch,take the main body A out of holder A,and also take out the power cord.
Install the accessory adaptor at the top of main body A,until it into place.
Press salient point at the accessory adaptor to remove the accessory adaptor from main body
Choose the appropriate accessories(check accessories use list),according to arrow indicator to
align and implant to accessory adaptor G,then turn anticlockwise,until it into place.
Page 6 of 10
Each steam mop is 100% tested in the factory to ensure product performance and
safety.When assembling your new steam mop for the first time you may notice water residue
inside of the unit.
Before attempting any of the following operations,make sure that the appliance is
switched off and unplugged and that the appliance is cold and contains minimal or no water.
Spread holder
Round the holder along spindle until click to fix holder.
Press spindle button 1,turn the holder,the holder can become folded state.
Attaching the steam head
Slide the bottom end of main body onto
the steam head M until Steam head Spindle 5
clicks into place
The steam head M can be removed from the
Main body by pressing salient point on the
Steam head Spindle 5
Attaching a cleaning pad
Because of barb design at the bottom of steam head M,just
place a micro-fiber cleaning pad L to steam had,they can
bond hard.
Place the front of your shoe onto the cleaning pad removal
Tab and press down firmly.
Attaching Carpet Gilder
Press the micro-fiber cleaning pad L with main body to
Carpet gilder O by vertical pressure
until it into place.
Place the front of your shoe onto the cleaning pad removal
Tab and press down firmly,carpet gilder will remove form
steam head
Page 5 of 10
Each steam mop is 100% tested in the factory to ensure product performance and
safety.When assembling your new steam mop for the first time you may notice water residue
inside of the unit.
Before attempting any of the following operations,make sure that the appliance is
switched off and unplugged and that the appliance is cold and contains minimal or no water.
Spread holder
Round the holder along spindle until click to fix holder.
Press spindle button 1,turn the holder,the holder can become folded state.
Attaching the steam head
Slide the bottom end of main body onto
the steam head M until Steam head Spindle 5
clicks into place
The steam head M can be removed from the
Main body by pressing salient point on the
Steam head Spindle 5
Attaching a cleaning pad
Because of barb design at the bottom of steam head M,just
place a micro-fiber cleaning pad L to steam had,they can
bond hard.
Place the front of your shoe onto the cleaning pad removal
Tab and press down firmly.
Attaching Carpet Gilder
Press the micro-fiber cleaning pad L with main body to
Carpet gilder O by vertical pressure
until it into place.
Place the front of your shoe onto the cleaning pad removal
Tab and press down firmly,carpet gilder will remove form
steam head
Page 5 of 10
Each steam mop is 100% tested in the factory to ensure product performance and
safety.When assembling your new steam mop for the first time you may notice water residue
inside of the unit.
Before attempting any of the following operations,make sure that the appliance is
switched off and unplugged and that the appliance is cold and contains minimal or no water.
Spread holder
Round the holder along spindle until click to fix holder.
Press spindle button 1,turn the holder,the holder can become folded state.
Attaching the steam head
Slide the bottom end of main body onto
the steam head M until Steam head Spindle 5
clicks into place
The steam head M can be removed from the
Main body by pressing salient point on the
Steam head Spindle 5
Attaching a cleaning pad
Because of barb design at the bottom of steam head M,just
place a micro-fiber cleaning pad L to steam had,they can
bond hard.
Place the front of your shoe onto the cleaning pad removal
Tab and press down firmly.
Attaching Carpet Gilder
Press the micro-fiber cleaning pad L with main body to
Carpet gilder O by vertical pressure
until it into place.
Place the front of your shoe onto the cleaning pad removal
Tab and press down firmly,carpet gilder will remove form
steam head
Page 5 of 10
Each steam mop is 100% tested in the factory to ensure product performance and
safety.When assembling your new steam mop for the first time you may notice water residue
inside of the unit.
Before attempting any of the following operations,make sure that the appliance is
switched off and unplugged and that the appliance is cold and contains minimal or no water.
Spread holder
Round the holder along spindle until click to fix holder.
Press spindle button 1,turn the holder,the holder can become folded state.
Attaching the steam head
Slide the bottom end of main body onto
the steam head M until Steam head Spindle 5
clicks into place
The steam head M can be removed from the
Main body by pressing salient point on the
Steam head Spindle 5
Attaching a cleaning pad
Because of barb design at the bottom of steam head M,just
place a micro-fiber cleaning pad L to steam had,they can
bond hard.
Place the front of your shoe onto the cleaning pad removal
Tab and press down firmly.
Attaching Carpet Gilder
Press the micro-fiber cleaning pad L with main body to
Carpet gilder O by vertical pressure
until it into place.
Place the front of your shoe onto the cleaning pad removal
Tab and press down firmly,carpet gilder will remove form
steam head
Page 5 of 10
Method one:
Open the water tank cup 5 by counterclockwise
rotation,fill 360ML water use Measuring cup,
and then clockwise rotation to close water tank cup 5.
Method two
Remove the water tank from main body,open the
water tank cup 5 by counterclockwise rotation,fill
the water tank from water faucet.,and then clockwise
rotation to close water tank cup 5.
Install the water tank 7to main body until it clicks into place.
2.Plug in the appliance to a grounded outlet.
3.When switch the appliance on,the indicator lights will turn red at the each side of water tank,it
indicate preheating.If the lights does not illuminate,please check the "troubleshooting" section for
more details.
4.It will takes approximately 25 seconds for preheating.Once the steam mop is ready to use the
water tank will glow blue.
5.When the water tank full fill with water,it can work approximately 20 minutes.If the water tank
7 without water,the indicator lights 12 will glow red,and the lights will flash to point out need to
add water
If power off during preheating or after preheating,then power again,the
appliance will repeat above preheating action.
6.Press the steam button 4 and steam button13,the steam out.
7.Add control volume by turn steam control knob 8
and counterclockwise to reduce
can adjust steam volume according different objects
steam volume control by PCB,It will takes 3 seconds adaptation time
when you adjust steam volume .It is normal phenomenon.
8. When normal cleaning,the steam head
has big rotary angle,can clean corners
nd also can clean low space.
Push Lock Catch,take the main body A out of holder A,and also take out the power cord.
Install the accessory adaptor at the top of main body A,until it into place.
Press salient point at the accessory adaptor to remove the accessory adaptor from main body
Choose the appropriate accessories(check accessories use list),according to arrow indicator to
align and implant to accessory adaptor G,then turn anticlockwise,until it into place.
Page 6 of 10
rotation,fill 360ML water use Measuring cup,
and then clockwise rotation to close water tank cup 5.
Method two
Remove the water tank from main body,open the
water tank cup 5 by counterclockwise rotation,fill
the water tank from water faucet.,and then clockwise
rotation to close water tank cup 5.
Install the water tank 7to main body until it clicks into place.
2.Plug in the appliance to a grounded outlet.
3.When switch the appliance on,the indicator lights will turn red at the each side of water tank,it
indicate preheating.If the lights does not illuminate,please check the "troubleshooting" section for
more details.
4.It will takes approximately 25 seconds for preheating.Once the steam mop is ready to use the
water tank will glow blue.
5.When the water tank full fill with water,it can work approximately 20 minutes.If the water tank
7 without water,the indicator lights 12 will glow red,and the lights will flash to point out need to
add water
If power off during preheating or after preheating,then power again,the
appliance will repeat above preheating action.
6.Press the steam button 4 and steam button13,the steam out.
7.Add control volume by turn steam control knob 8
and counterclockwise to reduce
can adjust steam volume according different objects
steam volume control by PCB,It will takes 3 seconds adaptation time
when you adjust steam volume .It is normal phenomenon.
8. When normal cleaning,the steam head
has big rotary angle,can clean corners
and also can clean low space.
Push Lock Catch,take the main body A out of holder A,and also take out the power cord.
Install the accessory adaptor at the top of main body A,until it into place.
Press salient point at the accessory adaptor to remove the accessory adaptor from main body
Choose the appropriate accessories(check accessories use list),according to arrow indicator to
align and implant to accessory adaptor G,then turn anticlockwise,until it into place.
Page 6 of 10
1.Filling the water tank
Method one:
Open the water tank cup 5 by counterclockwise
rotation,fill 360ML water use Measuring cup,
and then clockwise rotation to close water tank cup 5.
Method two
Remove the water tank from main body,open the
water tank cup 5 by counterclockwise rotation,fill
the water tank from water faucet.,and then clockwise
rotation to close water tank cup 5.
Install the water tank 7to main body until it clicks into place.
2.Plug in the appliance to a grounded outlet.
3.When switch the appliance on,the indicator lights will turn red at the each side of water tank,it
indicate preheating.If the lights does not illuminate,please check the "troubleshooting" section for
more details.
4.It will takes approximately 25 seconds for preheating.Once the steam mop is ready to use the
water tank will glow blue.
5.When the water tank full fill with water,it can work approximately 20 minutes.If the water tank
7 without water,the indicator lights 12 will glow red,and the lights will flash to point out need to
add water
If power off during preheating or after preheating,then power again,the
appliance will repeat above preheating action.
6.Press the steam button 4 and steam button13,the steam out.
7.Add control volume by turn steam control knob 8
and counterclockwise to reduce
can adjust steam volume according different objects
steam volume control by PCB,It will takes 3 seconds adaptation time
when you adjust steam volume .It is normal phenomenon.
8. When normal cleaning,the steam head
has big rotary angle,can clean corners
and also can clean low space.
Push Lock Catch,take the main body A out of holder A,and also take out the power cord.
Install the accessory adaptor at the top of main body A,until it into place.
Press salient point at the accessory adaptor to remove the accessory adaptor from main body
Choose the appropriate accessories(check accessories use list),according to arrow indicator to
align and implant to accessory adaptor G,then turn anticlockwise,until it into place.
Page 6 of 10
Method one:
Open the water tank cup 5 by counterclockwise
rotation,fill 360ML water use Measuring cup,
and then clockwise rotation to close water tank cup 5.
Method two
Remove the water tank from main body,open the
water tank cup 5 by counterclockwise rotation,fill
the water tank from water faucet.,and then clockwise
rotation to close water tank cup 5.
Install the water tank 7to main body until it clicks into place.
2.Plug in the appliance to a grounded outlet.
3.When switch the appliance on,the indicator lights will turn red at the each side of water tank,it
indicate preheating.If the lights does not illuminate,please check the "troubleshooting" section for
more details.
4.It will takes approximately 25 seconds for preheating.Once the steam mop is ready to use the
water tank will glow blue.
5.When the water tank full fill with water,it can work approximately 20 minutes.If the water tank
7 without water,the indicator lights 12 will glow red,and the lights will flash to point out need to
add water
If power off during preheating or after preheating,then power again,the
appliance will repeat above preheating action.
6.Press the steam button 4 and steam button13,the steam out.
7.Add control volume by turn steam control knob 8
and counterclockwise to reduce
can adjust steam volume according different objects
steam volume control by PCB,It will takes 3 seconds adaptation time
when you adjust steam volume .It is normal phenomenon.
8. When normal cleaning,the steam head
has big rotary angle,can clean corners
nd also can clean low space.
Push Lock Catch,take the main body A out of holder A,and also take out the power cord.
Install the accessory adaptor at the top of main body A,until it into place.
Press salient point at the accessory adaptor to remove the accessory adaptor from main body
Choose the appropriate accessories(check accessories use list),according to arrow indicator to
align and implant to accessory adaptor G,then turn anticlockwise,until it into place.
Page 6 of 10
rotation,fill 360ML water use Measuring cup,
and then clockwise rotation to close water tank cup 5.
Method two
Remove the water tank from main body,open the
water tank cup 5 by counterclockwise rotation,fill
the water tank from water faucet.,and then clockwise
rotation to close water tank cup 5.
Install the water tank 7to main body until it clicks into place.
2.Plug in the appliance to a grounded outlet.
3.When switch the appliance on,the indicator lights will turn red at the each side of water tank,it
indicate preheating.If the lights does not illuminate,please check the "troubleshooting" section for
more details.
4.It will takes approximately 25 seconds for preheating.Once the steam mop is ready to use the
water tank will glow blue.
5.When the water tank full fill with water,it can work approximately 20 minutes.If the water tank
7 without water,the indicator lights 12 will glow red,and the lights will flash to point out need to
add water
If power off during preheating or after preheating,then power again,the
appliance will repeat above preheating action.
6.Press the steam button 4 and steam button13,the steam out.
7.Add control volume by turn steam control knob 8
and counterclockwise to reduce
can adjust steam volume according different objects
steam volume control by PCB,It will takes 3 seconds adaptation time
when you adjust steam volume .It is normal phenomenon.
8. When normal cleaning,the steam head
has big rotary angle,can clean corners
and also can clean low space.
Push Lock Catch,take the main body A out of holder A,and also take out the power cord.
Install the accessory adaptor at the top of main body A,until it into place.
Press salient point at the accessory adaptor to remove the accessory adaptor from main body
Choose the appropriate accessories(check accessories use list),according to arrow indicator to
align and implant to accessory adaptor G,then turn anticlockwise,until it into place.
Page 6 of 10
1.Filling the water tank
Method one:
Open the water tank cup 5 by counterclockwise
rotation,fill 360ML water use Measuring cup,
and then clockwise rotation to close water tank cup 5.
Method two
Remove the water tank from main body,open the
water tank cup 5 by counterclockwise rotation,fill
the water tank from water faucet.,and then clockwise
rotation to close water tank cup 5.
Install the water tank 7to main body until it clicks into place.
2.Plug in the appliance to a grounded outlet.
3.When switch the appliance on,the indicator lights will turn red at the each side of water tank,it
indicate preheating.If the lights does not illuminate,please check the "troubleshooting" section for
more details.
4.It will takes approximately 25 seconds for preheating.Once the steam mop is ready to use the
water tank will glow blue.
5.When the water tank full fill with water,it can work approximately 20 minutes.If the water tank
7 without water,the indicator lights 12 will glow red,and the lights will flash to point out need to
add water
If power off during preheating or after preheating,then power again,the
appliance will repeat above preheating action.
6.Press the steam button 4 and steam button13,the steam out.
7.Add control volume by turn steam control knob 8
and counterclockwise to reduce
can adjust steam volume according different objects
steam volume control by PCB,It will takes 3 seconds adaptation time
when you adjust steam volume .It is normal phenomenon.
8. When normal cleaning,the steam head
has big rotary angle,can clean corners
and also can clean low space.
Push Lock Catch,take the main body A out of holder A,and also take out the power cord.
Install the accessory adaptor at the top of main body A,until it into place.
Press salient point at the accessory adaptor to remove the accessory adaptor from main body
Choose the appropriate accessories(check accessories use list),according to arrow indicator to
align and implant to accessory adaptor G,then turn anticlockwise,until it into place.
Page 6 of 10
Method one:
Open the water tank cup 5 by counterclockwise
rotation,fill 360ML water use Measuring cup,
and then clockwise rotation to close water tank cup 5.
Method two
Remove the water tank from main body,open the
water tank cup 5 by counterclockwise rotation,fill
the water tank from water faucet.,and then clockwise
rotation to close water tank cup 5.
Install the water tank 7to main body until it clicks into place.
2.Plug in the appliance to a grounded outlet.
3.When switch the appliance on,the indicator lights will turn red at the each side of water tank,it
indicate preheating.If the lights does not illuminate,please check the "troubleshooting" section for
more details.
4.It will takes approximately 25 seconds for preheating.Once the steam mop is ready to use the
water tank will glow blue.
5.When the water tank full fill with water,it can work approximately 20 minutes.If the water tank
7 without water,the indicator lights 12 will glow red,and the lights will flash to point out need to
add water
If power off during preheating or after preheating,then power again,the
appliance will repeat above preheating action.
6.Press the steam button 4 and steam button13,the steam out.
7.Add control volume by turn steam control knob 8
and counterclockwise to reduce
can adjust steam volume according different objects
steam volume control by PCB,It will takes 3 seconds adaptation time
when you adjust steam volume .It is normal phenomenon.
8. When normal cleaning,the steam head
has big rotary angle,can clean corners
nd also can clean low space.
Push Lock Catch,take the main body A out of holder A,and also take out the power cord.
Install the accessory adaptor at the top of main body A,until it into place.
Press salient point at the accessory adaptor to remove the accessory adaptor from main body
Choose the appropriate accessories(check accessories use list),according to arrow indicator to
align and implant to accessory adaptor G,then turn anticlockwise,until it into place.
Page 6 of 10
rotation,fill 360ML water use Measuring cup,
and then clockwise rotation to close water tank cup 5.
Method two
Remove the water tank from main body,open the
water tank cup 5 by counterclockwise rotation,fill
the water tank from water faucet.,and then clockwise
rotation to close water tank cup 5.
Install the water tank 7to main body until it clicks into place.
2.Plug in the appliance to a grounded outlet.
3.When switch the appliance on,the indicator lights will turn red at the each side of water tank,it
indicate preheating.If the lights does not illuminate,please check the "troubleshooting" section for
more details.
4.It will takes approximately 25 seconds for preheating.Once the steam mop is ready to use the
water tank will glow blue.
5.When the water tank full fill with water,it can work approximately 20 minutes.If the water tank
7 without water,the indicator lights 12 will glow red,and the lights will flash to point out need to
add water
If power off during preheating or after preheating,then power again,the
appliance will repeat above preheating action.
6.Press the steam button 4 and steam button13,the steam out.
7.Add control volume by turn steam control knob 8
and counterclockwise to reduce
can adjust steam volume according different objects
steam volume control by PCB,It will takes 3 seconds adaptation time
when you adjust steam volume .It is normal phenomenon.
8. When normal cleaning,the steam head
has big rotary angle,can clean corners
and also can clean low space.
Push Lock Catch,take the main body A out of holder A,and also take out the power cord.
Install the accessory adaptor at the top of main body A,until it into place.
Press salient point at the accessory adaptor to remove the accessory adaptor from main body
Choose the appropriate accessories(check accessories use list),according to arrow indicator to
align and implant to accessory adaptor G,then turn anticlockwise,until it into place.
Page 6 of 10
1.Filling the water tank
Method one:
Open the water tank cup 5 by counterclockwise
rotation,fill 360ML water use Measuring cup,
and then clockwise rotation to close water tank cup 5.
Method two
Remove the water tank from main body,open the
water tank cup 5 by counterclockwise rotation,fill
the water tank from water faucet.,and then clockwise
rotation to close water tank cup 5.
Install the water tank 7to main body until it clicks into place.
2.Plug in the appliance to a grounded outlet.
3.When switch the appliance on,the indicator lights will turn red at the each side of water tank,it
indicate preheating.If the lights does not illuminate,please check the "troubleshooting" section for
more details.
4.It will takes approximately 25 seconds for preheating.Once the steam mop is ready to use the
water tank will glow blue.
5.When the water tank full fill with water,it can work approximately 20 minutes.If the water tank
7 without water,the indicator lights 12 will glow red,and the lights will flash to point out need to
add water
If power off during preheating or after preheating,then power again,the
appliance will repeat above preheating action.
6.Press the steam button 4 and steam button13,the steam out.
7.Add control volume by turn steam control knob 8
and counterclockwise to reduce
can adjust steam volume according different objects
steam volume control by PCB,It will takes 3 seconds adaptation time
when you adjust steam volume .It is normal phenomenon.
8. When normal cleaning,the steam head
has big rotary angle,can clean corners
and also can clean low space.
Push Lock Catch,take the main body A out of holder A,and also take out the power cord.
Install the accessory adaptor at the top of main body A,until it into place.
Press salient point at the accessory adaptor to remove the accessory adaptor from main body
Choose the appropriate accessories(check accessories use list),according to arrow indicator to
align and implant to accessory adaptor G,then turn anticlockwise,until it into place.
Page 6 of 10
4. Ilość pary można regulować za pomocą regulatora pary [12].
Obróć regulator w kierunku przeciwnym do ruchu wskazówek zegara, aby zmniejszyć
przepływ pary i w kierunku zgodnym z ruchem wskazówek zegara, aby zwiększyć przepływ pary.
5. Połóż stopę parową na podłodze i odchyl lekko do tyłu miotłę parową.
6. Nacisnąć i przytrzymać przycisk pary [4] na uchwycie, aby umożliwić wydostawanie się pary.
To zajmie kilka sekund. Aby uzyskać pełną moc czyszczenia, należy przez około 30 sekund parzyć suchą chusteczkę antywi-
rusową [K]. Podczas czyszczenia naciskać przycisk pary [4] tylko sporadycznie, aby uniknąć nadmiernego nawilżenia mopa
7. Oczyścić podłogę.
8. Aby wyłączyć ubijak parowy, należy ponownie nacisnąć przycisk On / Off [9].
Czas regulacji parowania wynosi około trzech sekund. Podczas czyszczenia stopa parowa nie powinna znajdować się przez
dłuższy czas w tym samym miejscu i powinna być zawsze w ruchu. W ten sposób unikniesz nadmiernego moczenia.
Jeśli podczas czyszczenia z niezamierzonych miejsc niespodziewanie wydostanie się woda lub para wodna, należy na-
tychmiast przerwać pracę i wyciągnąć wtyczkę sieciową. Skontaktuj się z działem obsługi klienta!
Wymiana akcesoriów
Miotła parowa Clever Clean ViralOff® może być również używana jako ręczna myjka parowa i jest dostarczana z szeroką gamą
akcesoriów. Pozwala to na czyszczenie nawet trudno dostępnych miejsc i obiektów, do których stopa parowa nie nadaje się.
1. Naciśnij przycisk blokujący [6], aby zwolnić jednostkę główną [A] z urządzenia przytrzy-
mującego [B]. Miotła parowa może być teraz używana jako praktyczna ręczna miotła parowa.
2. Wsuń adapter akcesoriów [F] na urządzenie, aż zatrzaśnie się na swoim miejscu.
3. Umieścić żądany osprzęt na adapterze [F] i dokręcić go, obracając go w kierunku zgodnym z ruchem wskazówek zegara.
4. Aby wyjąć akcesorium po zakończeniu procesu czyszczenia, należy obrócić je luźno w kierunku przeciwnym do ruchu
wskazówek zegara i wyciągnąć adapter [F].
5. Jeśli chcesz wyjąć adapter [F], naciśnij przycisk bezpieczeństwa adaptera [F] z tyłu urządze- nia.
6. Jednostka główna [A] może być teraz ponownie włożona do urządzenia przytrzymującego [B].
Uważajcie! Dolna część urządzenia głównego [A] staje się gorąca podczas użytkowania! Istnieje
niebezpieczeństwo poparzeń. Zanim dotkniesz jednostki głównej [A], pozwól jej ostygnąć.