Clevemed SleepView How To Use Download Page 1

Press the ON button located on the front of SleepView



The power light should light green.

The lights for each connected sensor should be green.

Sleep in a position that is normal and comfortable for you. Try to 
spend some time on your back as sleep apnea can be worse in that 

In the morning, press and hold OFF button (if power light is already 
turned off, turn it ON and then OFF). Lights circling clockwise in green 
means a good study was recorded. If the lights circle counter-clock-
wise in red, call your healthcare provider as you may need to retake 
the test the next evening.

Discard cannula in trash. Return the SleepView™ Kit to your    
healthcare provider.

Adjust the sensors until the light for each connected sensor is green. 

Aux Sensor:

 if the Aux sensor was not provided, the light will 

remain off.  

The sensor lights will go off after 90 seconds, but the power light will 
remain on. If you need more time to adjust the sensors, press the 
ON button again to turn all of the sensor lights on for an additional 30 

Green light: A strong signal is being recorded!

Green light: A strong signal is being recorded!

Amber light: The sensor needs to be adjusted until green.

Red light: The sensor is not properly attached to SleepView










Final Instructions

How to Use






Improper routing of leads may result in a choking hazard. 

Improper routing of leads may result in a choking hazard. 
Do not use in conjunction with an external defi brillator. Immediately 

Do not use in conjunction with an external defi brillator. Immediately 

contact your healthcare provider if you encounter any problems 

contact your healthcare provider if you encounter any problems 

with the SleepView


 Monitor or accessories.

 Monitor or accessories.

396-0004 Rev. M (DCO 1253)

SleepView is a registered trademark and SleepView Direct is a service mark 

SleepView is a registered trademark and SleepView Direct is a service mark 

of Cleveland Medical Devices Inc.

In case of a medical emergency call 911

In case of a medical emergency call 911
