Overview of accessories
Long steam nozzle
The nozzle can be used on its own as a steam nozzle
or in combination with the small and large round brush,
the spatula adapter, the angled nozzle and tile nozzle, the
metal brush and the triangular brush.
The nozzle is either inserted directly in the main unit or
connected to the extension hose.
Short steam nozzle
The nozzle can be used on its own as a steam nozzle
or in combination with the small and large round brush,
the spatula adapter, the angled nozzle and tile nozzle, the
metal brush and the triangular brush.
The nozzle is either inserted directly in the main unit or
connected to the extension hose.
Cushion cleaning adapter
The cushion cleaning adapter is used in combination with
the cushion cleaning cloth. It is suitable for steam cleaning
cushions and textiles. It can also be used as an adapter for
the window cleaning adapter.
The cushion cleaning adapter is either directly mounted on
the main unit or connected to the extension hose.
Window cleaning adapter
The windows cleaning adapter is clamped onto the cush-
ion cleaning adapter (without a cleaning cloth). Use this
adapter to remove dirt e.g. on windows, tiles or mirrors.
Attention: Do not use on cold glass surfaces! If hot
steam comes into contact with cold glass surfaces
(e.g. window panes in the winter), the difference in
temperature may rupture the glass!
Extension hose
The extension hose is directly inserted in the main unit and
serves to extend the reach of the long and short steam
nozzle, cushion cleaning adapter or window cleaning