InstructIons: utV roll cage top
Make sure your field of view is not obscured after attaching
your roll cage top to your utV roll cage.
Be sure your roll cage top is strapped securely and tightly
to your utV roll cage.
Unfold your Top and locate the enclosed adhesive
backed rip-and-grip strips. Set
these aside.
Find the yellow tag that says
“front” on the underside of your
Top indicating what side faces
the front. Lay your Top over the
roll cage of your UTV and loosely
fasten the rip-and-grip straps at
each corner to the roll cage bars
(Fig. 1).
On the underside
of your Top, there are
two tension panels
with straps (Fig. 2).
Locate the straps
and connect the
side-release buckles.
Make sure that
the tension panels
go OUTSIDE and
AROUND the side bars of
your roll cage
(Fig. 2).Tighten both
straps. Fold extra strap
into a three or four inch
length and insert into
the strap keeper on each
strap (Fig. 3).
Take the enclosed
adhesive backed
rip-and-grip strips
and, working at each
corner, unfasten
the strap and note where the rip-and-grip panel on the
underside of your top
comes in contact with
the roll cage bar. Peel
the back off a
rip-and-grip strip and
attach it to the roll
cage bar about one
inch lower on the roll
cage (Fig 4).This will
provide space for you
to pull your Top tight
on the roll cage.
Match up the rip-and-grip strips on on one corner of
your Top to the roll cage. Pull the corner of your Top down
tight and reattach the web strap tightly. Repeat with the
other three corners.
Check the straps at each corner of your Top and be sure
all are tightly fastened.
Clean your Roll Cage Top with a soft brush and warm
water. DO NOT USE SOAP as it can damage the protective
coatings on the fabric. Air dry.
To avoid mildew be sure that your Roll Cage Top is
completely dry before you store it for an extended period
in an enclosed area.
This product is factory warranted for workmanship and
materials for two years after purchase.
78073, 78077, 78113, 78117, 73343, 73347, 78554, 78557, 78773, 78777, 18-006-010401-00, 18-015-011201-00, 18-016-010401-00, 18-025-010401-00,
18-032-010401-00,18-038-010401-00, 18-043-011201-00, 18-044-011201-00, 18-045-011201-00, 18-006-010401-00, 18-054-010407-00
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
looking up at the underside
of the roll cage top
Fig. 2
Fig. 1
Classic Accessories, Inc.
Kent, WA, USA