D15362.16 DX70 and DX80 Administrator Guide CE9.13, JUNE 2020.
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Cisco Webex DX70 and DX80
Administrator Guide
NetworkServices SSH Mode
The SSH (or Secure Shell) protocol can provide secure encrypted communication between
the video conferencing device and your local computer.
Requires user role: ADMIN
Default value: On
Value space: Off/On
Off: The SSH protocol is disabled.
On: The SSH protocol is enabled.
NetworkServices SSH HostKeyAlgorithm
Choose the cryptographic algorithm that shall be used for the SSH host key. Choices
are RSA (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman) with 2048 bits keysize, ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital
Signature Algorithm) with NIST curve P-384, and EdDSA (Edwards-curve Digital Signature
Algorithm) with ed25519 signature schema.
Requires user role: ADMIN
Default value: RSA
Value space: ECDSA/RSA/ed25519
ECDSA: Use the ECDSA algorithm (nist-384p).
RSA: Use the RSA algorithm (2048 bits).
ed25519: Use the ed25519 algorithm.
NetworkServices SSH AllowPublicKey
Secure Shell (SSH) public key authentication can be used to access the device.
Requires user role: ADMIN
Default value: On
Value space: Off/On
Off: The SSH public key is not allowed.
On: The SSH public key is allowed.
NetworkServices Telnet Mode
Telnet is a network protocol used on the Internet or Local Area Network (LAN) connections.
Requires user role: ADMIN
Default value: Off
Value space: Off/On
Off: The Telnet protocol is disabled. This is the factory setting.
On: The Telnet protocol is enabled.
NetworkServices Websocket
It is possible to interact with the API of the device over the WebSocket protocol, both the
insecure and secure versions (ws and wss). A WebSocket is tied to HTTP, so that also HTTP
or HTTPS must be enabled before you can use WebSockets (see the NetworkServices
HTTP Mode setting).
Requires user role: ADMIN
Default value: Off
Value space: FollowHTTPService/Off
FollowHTTPService: Communication over the WebSocket protocol is allowed when
HTTP or HTTPS is enabled.
Off: Communication over the WebSocket protocol is not allowed.
NetworkServices WelcomeText
Choose which information the user should see when logging on to the device through
Requires user role: ADMIN
Default value: On
Value space: Off/On
Off: The welcome text is: Login successful
On: The welcome text is: Welcome to <system name>; Software version; Software
release date; Login successful.
Device settings
Device settings