Cisco SIP IP Phone Administrator Guide
Chapter 3 Managing Cisco SIP IP Phones
Using the Command-Line Interface
SIP Phone> show {arp | debug | strpool | memorymap |
dump | malloctable | stacks | status | abort_vector
| flash | dspstate | rtp | tcp | lsm | fsm | fsmdef
| fsmcnf | fsmxfr | fim | gsm | register | network |
config | personaldir | dialplan | timers}
Shows information about the SIP IP phone. The following
keywords are used:
arp: Displays contents of the ARP cache.
debug: Shows which debug modes are activated.
strpool: Shows the string library pool of strings. This
command can only be used if the
is set to allow privileged commands to be executed.
memorymap: Shows memory mapping table, including
free, used, and wasted blocks.
dump: Displays a dump of the memory contents. This
command can only be used if the
is set to allow privileged commands to be executed.
malloctable: Shows the memory allocation table.
stacks: Shows tasks and buffer lists.
status: Shows the current phone status, including errors.
abort_vector: Shows the address of the last recorded
abort vector.
flash: Shows flash memory information.
dspstate: Shows the DSP status, including whether the
DSP is ready, the audio mode, if keepalive pending is
turned on, and the ringer state.
rtp: Shows packet statistics for the RTP streams.
tcp: Shows the status of TCP ports, including the state
(listen or closed) and the port number.
lsm: Shows the current status of the Line Manager
control blocks.
fsm: Shows the current status of the Feature State
function control blocks.
fsmdef: Shows the current status of the default Feature
State Manager data control blocks.
fsmcnf: Shows the current status of the Conference
Feature State Manager call control blocks.
fsmxfr: Shows the current status of the Transfer Feature
State Manager transfer control blocks.
fim: Shows the current status of the Feature Interaction
Manager control blocks (interface control blocks and
state control blocks).
gsm: Turns on debugging for vcm, lsm, fim, fsm, and
Table 3-7
CLI Commands (continued)