Command or Action
Specifies the maximum number of flows to be monitored
by the ACL logging process. The default value is 8000.
The range of values supported is from 0 to 1048576.
logging ip access-list cache entries number-of-flows
switch(config)# logging ip access-list cache
entries 8001
Step 9
If the specified number of packets is logged before the
expiry of the alert interval, the system generates a syslog
logging ip access-list cache threshold threshold
switch(config)# logging ip access-list cache
threshold 490
Step 10
Enables the following information to be displayed in the
output of the
show logging ip access-list cache
logging ip access-list detailed
Step 11
the access control entry (ACE) sequence number, ACE
switch(config)# logging ip access-list detailed
action, ACL name, ACL direction, ACL filter type, and
ACL applied interface.
Configures rate limits in packets per second for packets
copied to the supervisor module for ACL logging. The
range is from 0 to 30000.
hardware rate-limiter access-list-log packets
switch(config)# hardware rate-limiter
access-list-log 200
Step 12
Specifies the minimum severity level to log ACL matches.
The default is 6 (informational). The range is from 0
(emergency) to 7 (debugging).
acllog match-log-level severity-level
switch(config)# acllog match-log-level 5
Step 13
Displays information on the active logged flows, such as
source IP and destination IP addresses, source port and
show logging ip access-list cache
Step 14
destination port information, source interfaces, and so on.
switch(config)# show logging ip access-list cache
If you entered the
logging ip access-list detailed
command, the output also includes the following
information: the access control entry (ACE) sequence
number, ACE action, ACL name, ACL direction, ACL
filter type, and ACL applied interface.
Configuring ACLs Using HTTP Methods to Redirect Requests
You can configure ACLs to intercept and redirect specific HTTP methods to a server that is connected to a
specific port.
The following HTTP methods can be redirected:
• connect
• delete
• get
• head
• post
Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Security Configuration Guide, Release 9.x
Configuring IP ACLs
Configuring ACLs Using HTTP Methods to Redirect Requests