Clear the SDBER-EXCEED-HO Condition
Determine the BER threshold. Complete the
Clear an MXP, TXP, GE-XP, 10GE-XP, and ADM-10G
Card Loopback Circuit, on page 455
If adjustment is acceptable in site practices, adjust the threshold.
Verify the input fiber cable connections to the reporting card.
Clean the input fiber cable ends according to site practice. If no site practice exists, complete the procedure
in the Maintain the Node chapter of the Configuration guide.
Step 1
Determine the BER threshold. Complete the
Clear an MXP, TXP, GE-XP, 10GE-XP, and ADM-10G Card Loopback
Step 2
If adjustment is acceptable in site practices, adjust the threshold.
Using an optical test set, measure the input power level of the line and ensure that the level is within the guidelines. For
specific procedures to use the test set equipment, consult the manufacturer.
Step 3
Verify the input fiber cable connections to the reporting card.
Step 4
Clean the input fiber cable ends according to site practice. If no site practice exists, complete the procedure in the Maintain
the Node chapter of the Configuration guide.
If the condition does not clear, log into the Technical Support Website at
for more information or call Cisco TAC (1 800 553-2447).
Default Severity: Minor (MN)
Logical Object: TRUNK (OTU)
The Sequence Mismatch Count alarm is raised on the OTU trunk port in the WSE card. This alarm is a
Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA). This alarm is raised when the sequence mismatch count crosses the
provisioned threshold. The TCA is present for a duration of 15 minutes.
Clearing the SEQ-MISMATCH-COUNT Alarm
The alarm is cleared when the polling starts for the following 15 minutes interval, and the sequence mismatch
count for that interval is within the threshold value.
If the troubleshooting procedure does not clear the alarm, log into the Technical Support Website at
or call the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (1 800
553-2447) to report the problem.
Cisco NCS 2000 series Troubleshooting Guide, Release 11.0
Alarm Troubleshooting
Clear the SDBER-EXCEED-HO Condition