Déclaration d'Exposition aux RF Canadienne
Votre appareil comprend un émetteur et un récepteur radio. Il est conçu pour ne pas dépasser les limites
applicables à la population générale (ne faisant pas l'objet de contrôles périodiques) d'exposition à des ondes
radio (champs électromagnétiques de fréquences radio) comme indiqué dans la norme RSS-102 qui sert de
référence au règlement de sécurité n°6 sur l'état de santé du Canada et inclut une marge de sécurité importantes
conçue pour garantir la sécurité de toutes les personnes, quels que soient leur âge et état de santé.
En tant que tels, les systèmes sont conçus pour être utilisés en évitant le contact avec les antennes par l'utilisateur
final. Il est recommandé de positionner le système à un endroit où les antennes peuvent demeurer à au moins
une distance minimum préconisée de l'utilisateur, conformément aux instructions des réglementations qui
sont conçues pour réduire l'exposition globale de l'utilisateur ou de l'opérateur.
Le périphérique a été testé et déclaré conforme aux réglementations applicables dans le cadre du processus
de certification radio.
Compliance Statements for New Zealand
Permit to Connect (PTC) General Warning
The grant of a Telepermit for any item of terminal equipment indicates only that Telecom has accepted that
the item complies with minimum conditions for connection to its network. It indicates no endorsement of the
product by Telecom, nor does it provide any sort of warranty. Above all, it provides no assurance that any
item will work correctly in all respects with another item of Telepermitted equipment of a different make or
model, nor does it imply that any product is compatible with all of Telecom's network services.
Use of IP Networks with the PSTN
Internet Protocol (IP) by its nature introduces delay into speech signals as each data packet is formulated and
addressed. Telecom Access Standards recommends that suppliers, designers and installers using this technology
for calls to or from the PSTN refer to ITU E Model requirements in the design of their networks. The overall
aim is to minimise delay, distortion and other transmission impairments, particularly for those calls involving
cellular and international networks, which already suffer extensive delay.
The Use of Voice Compression Through the PSTN
Because of the extensive delay already experienced when calling cellular and international networks, some
of which is already caused by their use of voice compression technologies. Telecom Access Standards will
only approve G711 voice technology for use on the PSTN. G711 is an ‘instantaneous speech-encoding
technique’ whereas G729 and all its variants are considered ‘near instantaneous’ introducing additional delay
into the speech signal.
Echo Cancellation
Echo cancelers are not normally required in the Telecom PSTN because geographic delays are acceptable
where CPE return loss is maintained within Telepermit limits. However, those private networks that make
use of Voice-over-IP (VoIP) technology are required to provide echo cancellation for all voice calls. The
combined effect of audio/VoIP conversion delay and IP routing delay can cause the echo cancellation time
of 64 mS to be required.
Cisco IP DECT 6800 Series User Guide
Product Safety and Security
Compliance Statements for New Zealand