How Do I Configure My DOCSIS Residential Gateway?
Configuring and Enabling TCP and UDP Port Filters
Use the Setup Advanced Settings - Port Filtering page to configure and enable TCP
and UDP port filters. These filters prevent a range of TCP/UDP ports from accessing
the Internet. You can also prevent PCs from sending outgoing TCP/UDP traffic to
the WAN on specific IP port numbers. This filter is not IP address- or MAC address-
specific. The system blocks the specified port ranges for all PCs.
If you are not familiar with the advanced settings detailed in this section,
contact your service provider before you attempt to change any of the residential
gateway default advanced port filtering settings.
Port Filtering
in the Advanced Settings section of the Setup page to access the
Setup Advanced Settings - Port Filtering page.
Setup Advanced Settings - Port Filtering Page
The following illustration is an example of the Setup Advanced Settings - Port
Filtering page.