Command or Action
Saves the running configuration to NVRAM.
write memory
Router# write memory
Step 5
Restarts the Cisco CSR 1000v to boot to the feature level set
using the
license boot level
Router# reload
Step 6
After the Cisco CSR 1000v restarts, verifies that the license has
been installed and is active.
show license detail
Router# show license detail
Step 7
Verifies the Cisco CSR 1000v maximum throughput level.
show platform hardware throughput level
show platform hardware throughput
Step 8
The current throughput level is 2500 kb/s
What to Do Next
The evaluation license expires 60 days from the time it is activated.
Installing CSL Regular Licenses for Cisco IOS XE 3.12S and Earlier
Licenses provided in Cisco IOS XE 3.12S and earlier (Standard, Advanced, and Premium) are no longer
available. This material is provided as legacy information.
In Cisco IOS XE 3.12S and earlier, the Cisco CSR 1000v first boots in limited mode with the Standard feature
set enabled and the maximum throughput limited to 2.5 Mbps.
You can generate multiple licenses for the Cisco CSR 1000v from one PAK. The purchased PAK determines
the number of licenses you can generate.
Repeat these steps for each license available for your PAK.
Cisco CSR 1000v Series Cloud Services Router Software Configuration Guide
Installing Cisco CSR 1000v Licenses
Installing CSL Regular Licenses for Cisco IOS XE 3.12S and Earlier