The following command displays input and output rates, input errors, CRC, frames, overruns, underruns,
collisions, interface resets. High input errors in the CMTS retrieved from this query suggest noisy
upstream. In older versions of the chassis, loose midplane and line card screws caused a similar problem:
show interface slot/downstream-port
The following command displays upstream packet discards, errors, error-free packets, correctable and
uncorrectable errors, noise, and micro-reflection statistics.
show interface slot/downstream-port upstream
Configuration Examples for Flap List Troubleshooting
The following excerpt from a configuration file shows a typical flap-list configuration:
cable flap-list insertion-time 120
cable flap-list power-adjust threshold 3
cable flap-list miss-threshold 4
cable flap-list aging 8
cable flap-list size 8191
Additional References
For additional information related to the Flap List Troubleshooting feature, refer to the following references:
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