Executing IP Traceroute
Though other protocol keywords are available with the
privileged EXEC command, they are not
supported in this release.
Traces the path that
packets take through the
traceroute ip host
Device# traceroute ip
Redirecting Debug and Error Message Output
By default, the network server sends the output from
commands and system error messages to the
console. If you use this default, you can use a virtual terminal connection to monitor debug output instead of
connecting to the console port .
Possible destinations include the console, virtual terminals, internal buffer, and UNIX hosts running a syslog
server. The syslog format is compatible with 4.3 Berkeley Standard Distribution (BSD) UNIX and its
Be aware that the debugging destination you use affects system overhead. When you log messages to the
console, very high overhead occurs. When you log messages to a virtual terminal, less overhead occurs.
Logging messages to a syslog server produces even less, and logging to an internal buffer produces the least
overhead of any method.
For more information about system message logging, see
Configuring System Message Logging
Using the show platform Command
The output from the
show platform
privileged EXEC command provides some useful information about the
forwarding results if a packet entering an interface is sent through the system. Depending upon the parameters
entered about the packet, the output provides lookup table results and port maps used to calculate forwarding
destinations, bitmaps, and egress information.
Most of the information in the output from the command is useful mainly for technical support personnel,
who have access to detailed information about the Device application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs).
However, packet forwarding information can also be helpful in troubleshooting.
Using the show debug command
show debug
command is entered in privileged EXEC mode. This command displays all debug options
available on the switch.
To view all conditional debug options run the command
show debug condition
The commands can be listed
by selecting either a condition identifier
To disable debugging, use the
no debug all
System Management Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.x (Catalyst 9200 Switches)
Troubleshooting the Software Configuration
Executing IP Traceroute