High Availability Subsystem
Table 22: High Availability Subsystem Tasks
Performs device initialization and control functions based on the CPUs
hardware capabilities.
High Availability Task CPU
Reports the loss of any task on its CPU to hatsystem sub-function.
Controls the LEDs on the packet processing cards.
Initializes and monitors the dedicated hardware on packet processing cards.
(ASR 5500 only)
Collects CPU monitoring information periodically and reports to the master
hatcpu sub-function.
Reports the loss of any task on its CPU to the master hatcpu sub-function.
Performs device initialization and control functions because of the CPU's
hardware capabilities.
Reports the loss of any task on its CPU to hatsystem sub-function.
Controls the LEDs on the management card. (ASR 5500 only)
Initializes and monitors the dedicated hardware on the management card.
(ASR 5500 only)
Controls all the HAT sub-function tasks in the system. It is initiated on
system start-up.
High Availability Task System
Initializes system components (such as the Gigabit Ethernet switches and
switch fabric).
Monitors system components such as fans for state changes.
Triggers actions for redundancy in the event of fault detection.
The HAT subsystem on the redundant management card mirrors the HAT
subsystem on the active management card.
ASR 5500 System Administration Guide, StarOS Release 21.5
StarOS Tasks
High Availability Subsystem