Performing Health Checks
Health checks are a series of Exec mode
commands to determine the readiness of the system to handle
a software update.
Step 1
show card table all |grep unknown
. No output should be displayed.
Step 2
show card table |grep offline
. No output should be displayed.
Step 3
show resources |grep Status
. The output should display "Within acceptable limits".
Step 4
show alarm outstanding
. Review the output for any issues that may preclude performing the software update.
Performing SRP Checks
Service Redundancy Protocol (SRP) checks verify that the mechanism for monitoring ICSR system status is
Step 1
show srp monitor all
Step 2
Review the output for any issues that may preclude performing the software update.
Performing BGP Checks
Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) checks are only required when BGP is used to support redundant interchassis
communication. These checks are run per context and per service type.
Step 1
For each BGP-enabled context, run
show ip bgp summary
. Verify that the BGP peers are connected and that IPv4 and
IPv6 peers are up. Repeat for all BGP-enable contexts.
Step 2
show service_name all |grep "Service Status:"
. The service should be "Started". Repeat for all services running
on the chassis.
ASR 5500 System Administration Guide, StarOS Release 21.5
Interchassis Session Recovery
Standby ICSR System