Confirming OSPF Configuration Parameters
To confirm the OSPF router configuration, use the following command and look for the section labeled
in the screen output:
show config context ctxt_name [ verbose ]
OSPFv3 Routing
This section gives an overview of Open Shortest Path First Version 3 (OSPFv3) routing and its implementation
in the system. It also describes how to enable the base OSPFv3 functionality and lists the commands that are
available for more complex configurations.
On the ASR 5500, OSPFv3 routes with IPv6 prefix lengths less than /12 and between the range of /64 and
/128 are not supported.
OSPFv3 Overview
Much of OSPF version 3 is the same as OSPF version 2. OSPFv3 expands on OSPF version 2 to provide
support for IPv6 routing prefixes and the larger size of IPv6 addresses. OSPFv3 dynamically learns and
advertises (redistributes) IPv6 routes within an OSPFv3 routing domain
In OSPFv3, a routing process does not need to be explicitly created. Enabling OSPFv3 on an interface will
cause a routing process and its associated configuration to be created.
Basic OSPFv3 Configuration
This section describes how to implement basic OSPF routing.
Enabling OSPFv3 Routing For a Specific Context
Use the following configuration example to enable OSPF Routing for a specific context:
context context_name
router ospfv3
Save your configuration as described in the
Verifying and Saving Your Configuration
ASR 5500 System Administration Guide, StarOS Release 21.5
OSPFv3 Routing