Status and Statistics
View Logs
Cisco 350, 350X and 550X Series Managed Switches, Firmware Release 2.4, ver 0.4
sFlow Statistics
To view sFlow statistics:
Status and Statistics > sFlow > sFlow Statistics.
The following sFlow statistics per interface are displayed:
— Port for which sample was collected.
Packets Sampled
— Number of packets sampled.
Datagrams Sent to Receiver
— Number of sFlow sampling packets sent.
View Logs
The device can write to the following logs:
Log in RAM (cleared during reboot).
Log in Flash memory (cleared only upon user command).
You can configure the messages that are written to each log by severity, and a message can go
to more than one log, including logs that reside on external SYSLOG servers.
RAM Memory
The RAM Memory page
displays all messages that saved in the RAM (cache) in chronological
order. Entries are stored in the RAM log according to the configuration in the
Pop-Up SYSLOG Notifications
When a new SYSLOG message is written to the RAM log file, a notification is displayed in
the web GUI showing its contents.
The web GUI will poll the RAM log every 10 seconds. Notifications pop-ups for all
SYSLOGs created in the last 10 seconds will appear at the bottom right of the screen.