Number of successive ICMP errors allowed when
transmitting RTP packets to the peer before the phone
terminates the call. If value is set to 0, the phone
ignores the limit on ICMP errors.
Interval for sending out RTCP sender reports on an
active connection. It can range from 0 to 255 seconds.
Default: 0
RTCP Tx Interval
Select IPv4 or IPv6.
Default: IPv4
If the phone is in dual-mode and has both ipv4 and
ipv6 addresses, it will always include both addresses
in SDP by attributes "a=altc …
If IPv4 address is selected, then ipv4 address has
higher priority than ipv6 address in SDP and indicates
that phone prefers using ipv4 RTP address.
If the phone has only ipv4 address or ipv6 address,
SDP does not have ALTC attributes and RTP address
is specified in “c=” line.
SDP IP Preferences
SDP Payload Types
G722 Dynamic Payload type.
Default: 96
G722.2 Dynamic Payload
iLBC Dynamic Payload type.
Default: 97
iLBC Dynamic Payload
iSAC Dynamic Payload type.
Default: 98
iSAC Dynamic Payload
OPUS Dynamic Payload type.
Default: 99
OPUS Dynamic Payload
AVT dynamic payload type. Ranges from 96-127.
Default: 101
AVT Dynamic Payload
INFOREQ Dynamic Payload type.
INFOREQ Dynamic Payload
H264 BPO Dynamic Payload type.
Default: 110
H264 BP0 Dynamic Payload
Cisco IP Phone 7800 Series Multiplatform Phones Administration Guide
Cisco IP Phone Troubleshooting
SDP Payload Types