Initial Server Setup
Local Connection Procedure
Ensure that the device is powered on.
Connect a keyboard and a monitor to the corresponding ports on the front panel of the device.
When you see the prompt, you can do the following:
• Press F2 to get into the setup (BIOS) to change some settings.
• Press F8 to configure the IP address of the CIMC.
After you have performed the required configuration, save the setup and continue to boot.
Remote Connection Procedure
Plug in your terminal server to the Serial CIMC port (Refer to Front panel of Chassis)
Telnet into the console and perform the necessary configuration using corresponding commands. You
can also configure the IP address for the Ethernet CIMC port.
Use CIMC to configure the box. For more details, see
Initial Setup for UCS C-Series Servers
Installing the Device
Installing the Device
Initial Server Setup