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P/N 11934-005
5. Navigation using the Pers Integrated Avionics System is not
authorized in the following geographic areas:
a) north of 70° North latitude (northern polar region),
b) south of 70° South latitude (southern polar region),
c) north of 65° North latitude between longitude 75°W and 120°W
(Northern Canada),
d) south of 55° South latitude between longitude 120°E and 165°E
(region south of Australia and New Zealand).
6. The MFD checklist display supplements the Pilot Operating Handbook
checklists and is advisory only. Use of the MFD checklists as the primary
set of on-board airplane checklists is prohibited.
7. The NAVIGATION MAP is intended only to enhance situational
awareness. Use of the NAVIGATION MAP page for pilotage navigation
is prohibited.
8. Do not use SAFETAXI or CHARTVIEW functions as the basis for
ground maneuvering. SAFETAXI and CHARTVIEW functions have
not been qualified to be used as an Airport Moving Map Display
(AMMD). SAFETAXI and CHARTVIEW are to be used by the flight
crew to orient themselves on the airport surface to improve pilot situa-
tional awareness during ground operations.
9. The TERRAIN PROXIMITY MAP is intended only to enhance situa-
tional awareness. Use of the TERRAIN PROXIMITY information for
primary terrain avoidance is prohibited.
10.LTNG information on the NAVIGATION MAP or WEATHER MAP is
approved only as an aid to hazardous weather avoidance. Use of the
WEATHER MAP for hazardous weather penetration is prohibited.
11.The SYNTHETIC VISION SYSTEM (SVS) cannot be used for flight
guidance, navigation, traffic avoidance, or terrain avoidance. Maneu-
vering the airplane in any phase of flight such as taxi, takeoff, approach,
landing, or roll out shall not be predicated on SVS imagery. The
synthetic vision system is not intended to be used independently of
traditional attitude instrumentation. Consequently, SVS is disabled
when traditional attitude instrumentation is not available. Otherwise,
the traditional attitude instrumentation will always be visible in the
foreground with SVS features in the background.
12.Use of the TRAFFIC ADVISORY SYSTEM (TAS) to maneuver the
airplane to avoid traffic is prohibited. The TAS is intended for advisory
use only. TAS is intended only to help the pilot to visually locate traffic.
It is the responsibility of the pilot to see and maneuver to avoid traffic.
Reissue A