Circuit Design, Inc.
The air monitor uses the MU-2-R @RA and @CA commands for reading the RSSI level, displaying the levels as a
graph. You can measure any of the channels of the MU-2-R units you are using. It is possible to save, view, analyse,
and print out the measurement result on a PC. The RSSI level and channel frequencies can be analysed, by
scrolling around and zooming in on the graph.
The acquired RSSI absolute level is based on the signal level of a reference signal generator, but there is an error of
several percent.
Checking the functions of the air monitor
When the MU-2-R
‘@CT’ command is used, test waves are emitted continuously in the designated channel allowing
you to check the air monitor.
Specify the channel of the MU-2-R, and issue the command ‘@CTON’. To stop, use ‘@CTOF’. By issuing the option
‘/W’ command, you can make the MU-2-R emit test waves continuously as long as the power is turned on.
Peak hold
The peak is the RSSI level of each channel during the period of measurement, and you can hold this value. By
conducting monitoring over a long time, you can assess which channels in the field are being used frequently.
Using the graphs as data
Using the save and load file functions, you can reuse the measurement results. If you customise the colours of the
graph, the graph retains the customised colours when you load the data.
Using the graphs as images
With this program you can save the graphs as Windows extended metafiles (EMF), WMF, BMP and JPEG, and use
them in MS-Word and so on. If you customise the colours of a graph, it is saved in those colours.
In addition, you can also copy graphs to the clipboard in the EMF, WMF, and BMP formats.
Hint: The air monitor scans the RSSI level of many channels so it takes some time. Setting the bit rate of the
COM port to 38,400 bps or higher improves the response.
2.4 Air Monitor