Keep this Manual with the Tack Kettle at all times.
This will allow new users to read it before operating machine.
It is the Tack Kettle owner’s responsibility to ensure that all
workers using this machine are thoroughly trained. Provide
workers with this Operator’s Manual and make sure they
understand its contents. Read it to them if necessary. Letting
poorly trained workers use this machine can result in property or
machine damage and/or serious injury or death to personnel.
This machine was designed for the sole purpose of heating and
applying Asphalt Tack grade material. Attempting to heat and
apply any other material in this machine can cause machine
damage, unsatisfactory results and in the case of higher
temperature material, serious injury to workers.
2601 Niagara Lane · Plymouth, MN 55447 · (763) 557-1982 · (800) 328-3874 · Fax (763) 557-1971
P/N 161215 Rev D 6/15/2021