Starting the B3060 for the first time
Make sure that you properly configure your BBMD
device before connecting it to a BACnet network!
Before you can configure the BBMD, you need to establish
a connection between a PC and the BBMD. Your BBMD has
two Ethernet ports
one of them is a dedicated configura-
tion port. Connect your BBMD’s configuration port and your
PC’s Ethernet port to a private Ethernet network (such as
an isolated Ethernet switch), or directly connect the
BBMD’s configuration port and your PC’s Ethernet port;
standard Ethernet cables should be used.
The BBMD’s network communication parameters for its
configuration port are preset and cannot be changed. That
port has a fixed IP address:
The personal computer should not use DHCP, but rather it
should use the following IP address:
PC’s Subnet Mask must be set to
Login to the B3060
Plug your PC and the B3060 into the same Ethernet hub or
switch. On the PC, open a web browser and type the IP ad-
dress of the B3060:
The B3060 must have completed the start-up phase;
otherwise the B3060’s web pages will not be visible.
You will be prompted to login. The username is
the password is printed on a sticker affixed to the bottom of
the B3060.
You can never change your assigned admin password
so keep it in a secure location and never lose it!
Once you login you will be able to configure the BBMD. See
the reverse side for a list of the B3060’s most important
configuration parameters.
For technical support, call or email
tel: +1-617-350-7550 - fax: +1-617-350-7552 - [email protected] - www.cimetrics.com Revised November 2021
Specifications are subject to change without notice. BACnet is a registered trademark of ASHRAE. Cimetrics and BACstac are
trademarks of Cimetrics Inc. All other brand names are trademarks of their respective organizations. No endorsement of this
product by any manufacturer or organization is implied. Copyright © 2018
-2021 Cimetrics Inc. All rights reserved.
B3060 (J2 version)
Cimetrics Stand-Alone BBMD
Quick Start
4. Now your PC is ready to communicate with the
B3060’s configuration port.
How to set the IP address on your Windows PC:
To set your IP address, follow these steps:
Open the PC’s Control Panel app.
2. Navigate to
Network and Internet
Network and Sharing
Change Adapter Settings
3. Right click on the Ethernet adapter you are using to com-
Internet Protocol Version 4
Use IP address
and Sub-
net Mask
. Click the “OK” button.