CI-202 Instruction Manual rev. 6/21/2017
1554 NE 3
Ave, Camas, WA 98607, USA
Phone (360) 833-8835 Fax (360) 833-1914
6. Select cid-202V308.s19 > Open
At this point, the CI-202 will start to beep until the firmware is loaded.
Upon completion, you will see ‘leaving OPEN’, and the unit will be powered off
7. Power the instrument on.
The image below should be displayed on the instrument’s screen
8. Press the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys at the SAME time, the motor will begin to start-
up and spin
Next, the motor will stop spinning, during this time, the display on the screen does not
9. Scan a leaf or piece of paper of known size to test the accuracy of the instrument, the
high and low thresholds should be checked and adjusted if necessary.
Troubleshooting the LIBUSB.dll Error
The LIBUSB.dll error is typically encountered when trying to install the software and CI-202 to
transfer data to a 64-bit computer system.
Run a Google search for LIBUSB windows (your operating system) Example: “LIBUSB
Windows XP”
Select the link for “sourceforge.net”
a. It may say libusb-win32
b. Scroll down the page or find the link to the download site