Freeze-dryer Epsilon 1-4 LSCplus
Freeze-dryer Epsilon 2-4 LSCplus
2 Layout and mode of operation
Version 04/2014, Rev. 2.13 of 01/12/2021
• sb
21 / 148
Translation of the original operating manual
Fig. 10: Freeze-drying phases
Please find further information about basic principles, optimum
procedures and applications in the brochure "Smart freeze-drying", which
can be downloaded at
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Freeze-drying process
The main components of a freeze-dryer are:
• vacuum drying chamber or drying manifold,
• vacuum pump for generating a vacuum inside the drying chamber,
• ice condenser for binding the water vapour that is released by the
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The ice condenser chamber must be clean and dry. Any water residues
from a preceding drying run must be removed.
The media drain valve and the aeration valve must be closed.
In the case of units that are equipped with a pressure control valve
(standard on LSCplus and LSCbasic units), the vacuum pump should be
warmed up (“warm-up”) for at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the main
drying phase. Do not subject the vacuum pump to condensable gases until
the operating temperature is reached. In this way, the service life of the
vacuum pump can be extended.
At the same time, the ice condenser is pre-cooled ("cool-down"). The ice
condenser temperature does not have any influence on the product
temperature. The sole purpose of the ice condenser is to bind the released
water vapour.
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