35FA Super / 35FA II
Auto Focus camera
Instruction and Illustrated manua
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by [email protected], M. Butkus, NJ.
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I have no connection with Chinon Co., Japan
On-line camera manual library
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Welcome to the world of Chinon photography!
Your CHINON 35FA Super & 35FA 11 are one of the most advanced compact 35mm cameras
available today. Employing the latest state-of-the art electronics, the CHINON 35FA Super &
35FA 11 incorporate many outstanding features such as: infrared automatic focusing, automatic
loading, automatic film advance, automatic rewind and built-in flash. Other convenient features
include: automatic rewind stop upon completion of rewinding, continuous exposure, 10 sec. self
timer, and ASA 1000 film setting. In order to take full advantage of the many features of your
CHINON 35FA Super & 35FA 11, please read this instruction manual carefully to totally
familiarize yourself with the camera before actually starting to take pictures. We wish you years
of satisfying and carefree photography.