Page 1: ...Quad core Andro dTV B x User ManuaI 弓 Ch your fe Wlth this u D media pIayer ...
Page 2: ...mony app oatoms downIOad and hstalh臼 ons nom GoogIθ mafkot POpuIor u8Ing aρ p Ⅱ ko Youtubo Nomk Jntemolradio and many klods of apulcatl nB aⅡ ovamBble o o Googb ρ hy store or you cafl download ap侧四 ns伽 oughtho ThWˉ pa唧 sbros 而b srIla box buIH VJH modub md gupportEMmetpoft唧 ocuon so you n mod a hfgθ oum of your devlces θ sam NoMOrk and ghafe cootmt ko 由 mdoos amd phohs momgst hom Wh oh we aMays tho...
Page 3: ...d output Hp MPEG H200 H265 ect AAC AC3 QCP MP3 WMA WAV 0GG DDP T θ HD DTs DT s HD APE FLAC 圮 Ⅱ 0 Po sC ofˇ k Conbnts aa Omog 1 andro饣 box 1X PoWe广 adapler 似 AV Ca泥 1X Remote ntrOI 1X user manua 恢 baueγ loplon引 VsB20port suopo conned e temal VsB Devl suoh as usB nash d ˇ or VsB reoeiVor of wireless kθ yboard and mousθ AIso n suρ po oonnecl W red mousθ and keyboard VsB webcam 3G DOn0Io ...
Page 4: ...forinternet ao ss AIso you Can using smart boX as a router and a WIFl Hotsρ ot r y u wantto use the WIF hotspot features pIease make sure thatthe WIFI沁 of before enabIe WlFl hotspot serVioe se廿 ing mor po吐able hotspot AV Po Connectthe sma吐 tV WⅡ h your HDη Ma AV bIe Antenna strengthen WIFI signals 1hsta a GoogIe tV remote APP for your Androd smart phone or tab ts Which We ca ed GoogIe remote oontr...
Page 5: ...the rest ofthe prooess to get a new Goo创 e account After nnished the signed n pro ss y0u0an enter nto p ay store for app cauon d wnl ad and insta atons r you cannotⅡ nd the app caton you need from phy store because of bcauon rest冖 d ns or otherreasons You can nnd and dolAlnload the app ca ons nles from ntemet then nsta the APP nIe矿 to the box diredIy Audio setuρ se廿 ings冖 sound ˉ audio ou1put mode...
Page 6: ...deMoe and tIle phyer are same P XBMC 1hClW to instaⅡ the pIug n Go to idonm 0pp cauon d k to enter se饿 ing in system then wⅢ shoW you the userinte汗 aCe AddⅡ ns zip nle oh se Rootn e system钅 hoose mnt们 le 臼 nd your inse ed dev e 硎ok tlle p ug n paokage which you insta ed n your sD oard or VsB deVice retum tO Add ne interfa c Gk get addˉ 0ne you wⅢ nnd仞Ies Which you inst引 ed in the plug n package o ...
Page 7: ...R 隘 r mo usermanu钿 b po g喇 Ⅳ 郇 m斓 妯 d 两钅 ned f h w脐 adap饴 r Endˉ Vser License Agreement P easO read this agreement refuˇ before using the product P抬ase ensure 1 D not doman e the devi fo mproρer puq oses 2 D notread and reiesh the nmware ofthe deˇ i by improper means 3 D not ndud mverse enghee ng and dsassemumg forrdated sonWare and codes ofthe uayer 4 the dev ce and tho nse agreement can be trans...
Page 8: ...urooθ gl D not dlsmant Θ Bnd reρak thθ adapter and lts poWor rd l0 Do Ilot ope tho θ mlosure ofhθ doln to emsuro your safeV Pl ge ask ta欣 耐 p1ofossbm引 θω nduct fIla汛 man 亻meoossary Mainlθ oan Tips 1 Thθ devloe ls of mplmted and sophlsocatod gtmmjm so onˇ tainod ρ mfoggbDal a oo owodto open mo dovlceto ρ JevmtdaMge iom haρρ θ oing Do notd mantlo mponents ofthθ deⅥ on youΓ own Thθ wamnty ma泳 w be ln...