Chinavision CVEM-M223 User Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for CVEM-M223

Page 1: ...User Manual ...

Page 2: ...r touch ph lnstallinS rhe SIM cad 9 ltrery and storaeecard Charging SeB lrery Stding up the device Staius 1cons thing phon fe itrres I Tming thc phone funclion on and oS V lrng a all tuswemgand Endingacall ln dl opilons ...

Page 3: ... Gettinsto krm vNrrNd d6 1 2 lBhllitrsthe SIM c d bt r Dd 3rorrse c id You need to remove fte bck vr forc vou can insbll fte SIM card od badee Aho h e suebalwaFM otr p a bfore insblling orreplacingthe SIM card dd To remove the brck ors I Mak sure vour defre n rmd otr Fimlvholdfredevice id h h dd e iontDdelfacinsdom i Push th back covd q ift ou d b util it dhengages from the device and then 2 To ir...

Page 4: ... ou Home scrcen loucjr hold the item 1o enler mo e mode fte oDlidion d tum irLo a T6h budon Dr e rhe ileh lo the Trash hudon rnd rel ase yoir ll knoq she rour ilem L in rhc Lr h hJL us rhc lLcm a d rhe rab will tum rd 5 Move obrechon 6 Home rdn To mo e n i on or o6ft ilm d Si Home r n oJ musr l d roJLh hrld tr b ilLer m e mode fte obid illtusi hen tr ad ro bc mo cd W rhod linine ou 6nE to ou i dE ...

Page 5: ... to call dd thtr you can make to do fte following oplions ofell edil nmkr kforc ca1l send text message add to contach or Emove tum call l g phore o the shoncu nenu I SetliEg or your defrce contul phone frde nins iom rhe Home stritrss screen t 1 fl ma r r Setings 3 1 DualSIM letugs 6 You can selecr to activate or deactivate the SIM ced vou want to oFn vi i i i n liriiin k box iflou prier to us wi I...

Page 6: ...n h rigoud Jnd hu tdn er err r our sd I rou I rnos our d b D E rhhLe uhda rou re fih ran rirtr r jrus o r ffiJuse endrng lqc moub oi tu k l ud ioar ofcr rae d r dn td e Un r and I qr e coi derable hdtridh ddc de om eri s un rt phoie rhd lL t ro syrc by appli rdod Io onrol sFchroniuiion tbr cnuii Uendai ed Contrcls lou cddo the follouinS l on Lhe Hone sc een rhen rouch H and setecr Serines 2 sclecr...

Page 7: ...essAe o d con cl ou muq ha e a mLlatse ro d conE r mohrte number nored for ffeDln conkr deuJs f om rhe r onrdcr deu creen selefl d phonc nunber dd tti r v6 age ton A commse reen openi br our n q me se Cornlere our ms age cnd se ecr end 4 send ff arl ro a lon scr To end u emiut missagc ro a conbd ou husl Mve d email addres ured for them rn therr nr tdpr ii Selecttheontactyou wdtto email TheiConhcld...

Page 8: ... ounr il ou do1 r ioi a rr Jddre ill k used You ee also Nked totypeyour naDeasyou want iiro dhpla on outgoine messages You must completethb field kfitre you car seler Nexfandgoto your toi les porub a urh ro lou hrn omnr o l pe hrcmdrl enrr n ilro ot and uiltrrd cor6rrnli r1ir our ci Anrr our1 uLnlfliln l 3rchern rr Fed tecl Ncn to goh rour lnbx 6 idd moE account 0p to ilve iom e Inbox orFuAccounls...

Page 9: ...domlod 2 fte Doqlod hrsbry ce apre ilh Se lRl oI doqlods llyou have no dowlods nothing dll be shom on fiis screen To 5er Brcwrn preferen es fiom de Bro sersc een press MENU md selecr More Sefrings L Page ntmt s ftings Texl s e Sel ct to olen ffe Text size menu Default sefring h Nomd but you co j crese the size to kge or Lry or decrede 10 Smdler o Smallet Note tut St ter size sesing only affecb pag...

Page 10: ... tre Mt r rj il etecr Seningr rerecr I mdil nourc iloi chtrL hor u s e an ron h rfi e Lr bn shen nei msdSeJqve5 r ou or j ouj d 16 pto qhel neu rr J8 r es recr sele I nnArone 16 thfl Sc nnSFe msu skcr nnfn c lhi v t DL tr Ler emdil noxfi c Uon ore rrr wren ou etA r a lnetone rl p a bric t It ou doa r 1t a ine ne lo otdr sh n e r S tclr iltr ironejrn cdtlL t nn ne dcrtrrd 14 the rore SeuiI8 l und A...

Page 11: ...n rhe dare fretds rfyou don l wanrro rep tuouah Eha Se and butrois N mefraraprB in Day view Descldioncante a lone as vox hke SeleLr a elendd rlvou disDlai more 6 n one serad huhrcminderhme Pre WWro selecl Showw optutu b se presence ddldvac Sdonline prcsence available or busy Select calendd pd rac tom kfauli is de fi nd when catende a realedl privare or Public men finishd selet Done P essi g BACK a...

Page 12: ...t ro ssociale wiftthepicture Touch hold o dgcofthccopperb eveallhesizing mo i then dmg the dgc in or out to size Toucb dmg 6e cenrer ofte c opFr to mole il ithin thcpidure menyotrlehappywilhthecioppeddea sel t Save ThepicMwillno ap in lbeContactdetails screen as sell N on any incomin8call notiflcaliotr 7 Crcp picture In frllscr n vie r pre MDNU md l cl Morc Crcp Tcuch hold an edge ofthecropperto l...

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Page 14: ... 2 Touchrte clGk frth you tingefrip to opm tbe Clock seleclion screen 3 SlideyourfinSediphorizonblly alonsthe bollom lock facerowandtouch the hce Change tuae dDe displty You can change ihe fomat of the dme dhphyed in your al ms fron fie stobal Settrss l uo ru rhe marn Ndm cloc ren otr he Hume Jcreen rhen ro h EI and rh n pre Ml L rnd sciecr sen n8 t oll oos nd eic Oar a rroe FIGre t rrme sefiin sc...

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