Cheerlux CL312A User Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for CL312A

Page 1: ...HOme Theatre LED PⅡ 0jectoⅡ 彡饣 彡 彡 ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ 旨 翳 鳜 黪 麾 畲 model N cL312ArC廴312D users Ⅲanu勰l 魇 蠢 歹 墓 漶 了 獒 齄 ...

Page 2: ...f method 11 signal connedion instrudion 12 0pe口t on 13 0pen operation 13 CIOse opera PaneI key press instruct 14 Remote controlinstrudion 15 1mage tmpezoid a四usunent 16 Focus a叫 ustment 16 Keystone a四 ustment Ⅰ 16 Ⅲenu se饣 ng nnethod 17 system fundion opera on 17 Wm0nu J j 18 Pi 义 ure menu P 1θ 0ρtion men Ⅱ 20 念 氍 I钭 UsB suppod Ⅱ 22 maIntenance 23 Fi er clearance 23 Cleaning of LCD panel 23 Troubl...

Page 3: ...n you use this ρ r叻 ecto1please read thls manual carefulIy WarnL呜 Ι X 阢n t sta drectˇ nto the g dt ens du ng o d面 The intense Ⅱ ghtbeam may damage your eyes especia y for chiIdˉ Wammσ not phce曲 ep叫octor m饰e wet乩ndⅡ n aˇo d to gett ng an elecLic shoCk A i耐 iq配 s汛 a hs扪 c刂 on h Ⅱ η po ant叩 m刂m 厶 t耐酏 s there a dange溢 s趵ltage ˉ 略 cb耐0pen1 sQ0tFmsI nl 谅 雨 NG ...

Page 4: ...e口 a tl ρ rolector on e shue a leveled即 s 6 ttn刂 la扌 om The ven刂 la扌 onin the ρ ector best for prOJector work stab yR notIet the dust wa uρ the n e or WⅢ cause the proleotorto oˇ erheat and hlgh temperature proteded P r heat dissipa on wi shoien the serviCe Ilfe ofthe pⅡ艹 沉 1and wⅢ Iead b dangerous so please泗 坨隐 咖 7 POWor 90 O VOIts AC 8 Croumd CabIe is a3pin ρ Iug g ρ r cabIe hspectthe power cabl...

Page 5: ...the Ven刂 Ia廿 0nˉ wlnd w ofρ 丬 ector I 丨 雀 旺 f祜 peratuF t h t tIle m Chlne咖 Ⅱ be shti OIfauk冫 田 k冶 lV Thl引 s l卩 θ a d n me唧rσ ρ 卩 ect rm 汛 而 Ⅱ 0rγ lmp0甑 Ponotlet据 卩 u c ver m Abρut opeⅡing amd cbsiⅡg the pro ecω r when open桶 e prOJ呷 r nnect牡 叩 ower cable and蒎 the powe卩 y n the panel the prOJedor wlll w rk and tho LED lamp w lbe b ghtimme0iateIy as we when cIose the proledori ρ ress the power key ag...

Page 6: ...ndow 5 supportiog feet No PIease remoVe the hlgh feet adlustment A and B when ce ing the p咧 ecto1and the Iength of the screw rod in pos ion A B C D shouId not exceed10mm to avoid an elect c shook When the plastic endosure is broken and the rod buohed the high tension elect oty inslde the mach ne 唧 ˉ ˉ 四 ˇ ˉ ˉ 灬 ˇ ˉ 卿 ˇ B J 穰 裰 8U 0 婵 攮 觯 s Ⅱ 鼬 啜 冫 ...

Page 7: ...ront 汀 eW 灬 凵 ˇ Note 1 When凵 se the remote ntro1ρ 饴 ase pointtho re乩 iver drectly zlAdlust tlle lens仍 cus to impn ve the image qual Back叫ew 1 1 Rmote senso讠 2 Lens 3 suppo雨 g feet 1 A订 ou et 2 Power socket ...

Page 8: ... air Ie 1 Air inIet 2 κ eystone 3 signalinte汀 aoe 0ve impo曲nt do mot block othe田 晚 Ⅱ WⅢ b m the pr jecbr 髑 m 0 HDM HDM Ports Audo out凵 R Audio in凵 R Y Pb Pr vsB1usB2P rts W lnput lonly foΓ W fundion prOJedor AnaIqg TV or DigitaI1V VGA input ...

Page 9: ...Instalh刂 on FULL sETTⅡ NG Please use the setup instruCtion below lm ordefto get good im0ge qua1ity do otIetthe sun ght shine the screen dimtly If you use the proJectorin the day time ...

Page 10: ... ector amd scroo D sta Cog r ayˇary from gotup to sotup ρ loasθ onIy uge thoso noasummo ag a guido a口 d ah ayB measⅡ Ⅱ the throw dis臼 Co ooforo mou ti g If the dis臼 IlCo is Ioss2m or oversm thθ imago maybo not oIoaⅡ Wammg Please check the folIOwing pidure to shoW the traρ e da耐 ustment 1 叩 由 咖四 莒 Incmmot坤 涮Ⅲ岷 豳 h 0Ⅱ0确江 lL hoBcd岫 蜘 h七e R fmgohi 臼 凵 oα ⅡH彐 h 咖 呶 吨 0 萨 i nm to the fOIIOWing ...

Page 11: ...nly to the ceⅢ ig or a stabb suifa r 2lThls proledor n oⅢ y be used in an enⅥ ronment wkh a tempefalute oot eXceeding the range of Oˉ 35 The prolectof may maIfunctiρn r temperaturesˇ ary outslde the nomaI oρ erating Range 3lThe sharpness ofthe screen mlght be interrupted when the ρ 丬 edor behg used in a dus Wet moist or smoke角 ed enⅥ ronment The prolector mlght ma而 ncuonin a m st or wet Environmen...

Page 12: ...gnaI coinecuon instruc刂 on CL312A CL312D wⅢ havethe W d gItaI Wl nρ ut more NotiCe Before pening the proledo1pIease comp ete lhe conneCtion of the extemal devioes lW h PC DVD etc f any device has the power open may resu in equipment damaged ...

Page 13: ...utin Mo7size battery n 霭 骺 缟 觊 山黜 2 Plug the power cable int the p wer s cket 摞 萜勰崔 Frsh ws Ⅱ d咱 褊 6 Anerthe image ls dear then you can watch p哟 ram d刂 Hng watohing you aIso n setuρ the system ρ aramete1pIease read menu setung cha ler 4 After2seconds the prolector begln work 跹 品雾 器辟 搬抵娶嘿l哉骤 黹嬲 妤 口 ...

Page 14: ...e as the powe卩 in the remote control 2sources Key oan ohoose the inpu1signal such as AV YPBPR HDM HDM12 UsB1 UsB2 PC orTV 3Menu Key MENU key to display the main menu orreturn to supe冖 or menu CH keyto move up and down op刂ons V keys to se ed or enterthe opⅡ n to move around 4 1ndicator Ⅱ gh弋 5The TOP and DOW N key on the remote contro er oorresp nds to the CH and CHP key onthe opera刂 ng panel They ...

Page 15: ...θ t key oan setimage br9ghtness soft oolor or ρ ers naⅡ ty quidsIy in tum Nvmber Bu馊ons seI cls tV h臼 hnol dlrmly 1仓 9 4 3swioh key swi h thθ dispIay pi ture for16 9 oΓ 4 3 wam咄 1 Do not expose the remote controI to shocks Ⅱ quid or h妒 hun刂dity Do not ex pose to mrect suml璁 ht or other血 tense I启ht source when you operate 2 Ⅱ functit n can not used h UsB input p1ease seIect o伍er input to con刂 冫 Iet...

Page 16: e best sluation oflhe lens 0TE when you沌 洌 a the p咧 edbrfrom a Ⅱtoa wam en romment water vapour might occuⅡ Dont tum the prOJector on Whθ n t is oc urs but wa umtI theˇ apour has disappeared Tra卩 0z id adjusonent raρ θ cted口 cture has keystone dsto bn red imge嘁h Keystome a哟ustnθot The lmage be mes traρ ezo旧 shape Whθn thθ s0reen or ρ 丬 ect notIeVel PIeasθ IBposⅢ n the p 丬 θ ct r tO Improve Its ...

Page 17: ...n Ⅲenu basic oρ erati n r臌茫 u 罗 γ 蜇 J挞 黥 楹 押 r me吧 cH冖 y仂 rlove up and down opton V source choIce When the seIeoted signal path w h ut signa input screen dlspIays 门 o sγ 9uε Press source key to display the signal s urce seIection menu ...

Page 18: ......

Page 19: ...p n e seulng hdudn shn a戏 Ⅵ vld Cobr Te pera山re Medium User n rmal ld l rtemperature wam temperature Aspect Rauo1 9 hdu屮se ht screen zo m and1 o由 洌 疝 Noise ReducJOn MiddIe Jmage background n ise reducti n PC semp m vGA mclde 口 ctu mode 屮c ntra a耐 b ght祜 ss can be adlu ...

Page 20: ...s Audio Menu When p aying press V adlust the vdume directly souⅡd Mode standard selectthe sound p aying mdd Balance Left nght s und channe EquⅢ bHum Auto VoIume0ff Accord ng amuent n ise a just the Volume surround sound0竹 sound acoompaniment surround sPDlF MODE PCm sound aooompaniment surround EQ seIeclthe accompan ng s und efeck ...

Page 21: ...oJ 叫 栗 Res Iution Comρ ressiom oρ tio冂 s supρ Range JPEG 0J0oX80m Progressive JPEC suρ p 1o20x768 BaseⅡ ol 臼 Ⅱ dard supp rt Basθ Ⅱ e has beem optl mJzed suppo BⅢP 9sOOX64oo si gle CoI r suρρ 16COIors suppo 2s6CoI rs suppo 16Bit suρ p 24Bit suppo 32Bit supρo竹 PNG 9600X64oo NonˉI te丬 aced supρρ 讨 InteⅡ aced s ρρ o讨 120oX8oo ...

Page 22: ...0ogOP AX to 20 bps PEC4 ˇ P4 DIVX XˇID 1920X1080osOP HAXt0 20 bm R rRHlrB RW RWB RVB Rˇ 0 RVqo 1280X7zOOsOP X to 10Hbm 264 KVr oV 2 1θ 20X1080 30P X to 20 boo UPEG dVl G0OX080 30P mAx to 10Ⅲ bⅡ DlVX DⅡ乃 g AVl PEα DlVX H200 19zOX1080osOP to 20 b VC1 a n RsF ˇ C1 1920X1080osOP mAx to 20 b阝 FLV FLV 2G0 1g20X1080o30P AX to 20 b G ...

Page 23: ...r 黯l嚣尾 1帘 丨 丨 lm re lem ln dusty m mmenlsl 1 Remove the soreWs andthe gn e Ⅱ ke indlcated below t 胃 i糨嚣 fntheⅢ 抬 叻 杌 mσ 蛐 m虹 never nst洲 a庥od觥σ h祧 p叼ed帆 涮 com C a耐ng ofLcD paneI 拈 Ⅲ t 志 1浓苜 i 茹 挠 拧 b叽 妇 圮 m山e mmd 曲 o 搬硼蝌驷弭甘 滩 1Ⅺ甜果 押 珊拣 ...

Page 24: ...o 1 Have you open the lens oap at rst 2 ls the nnechng oorect Makθ sure a the slgnaI cords are rredly connected and selectthe oorreotinput signal Remote controI does not Work 1 Are the ba廿e es in the remote oontrol used up Are the ba廿 enes insta ed oorrectly 2 Aim remote reα atthe IR re iverlAt the front of ρ rolector 3 Proiedortumed on to quickIy a erlastturn offlNeed about5minutes P jector tur s...

Page 25: sirnρl雨 ed Chinese Trad ionaI Chinese Can add anvlnn冂 0nˉ o0 ˉ ˉ ˉ True BHghtⅡess Contmst Ratio mult media Imterface Video CompaJbⅢ ty TeIoˇ isi h system usB support speaker La ρ Disρ Iayable C I rs 上 ight uniform y Pr0jecⅢ n eth d Image z om Keyst ne C rrect n 丁 hrow Ratio Image size Diagonall Aspθ ct Rat o osD La guage Noise LeveI JsTDrBHg Ⅱ r 25db Low noise ˇ Hu PoWer suρ pIˇ A090 240V 5o 60...

Page 26: ...Accessory and purchasable pad峦 Purchasable accessory 1 prqector screen 2 p叫edor iⅡ ng mount 3 spare lamps ...
