3.3 8/8
The option "8/8" is identical to "1/1", except that each interference frequency value (75Hz to 155Hz in the above
example) is held for 8 seconds.
3.4 10/10
The option "10/10" works from the -25% value to the +55% value gradually instead of rapidly. For example, when
the frequency control was set at 100, the device will sweep gradually from 75Hz to 155Hz over a 10 second period,
then from 155Hz to 75Hz during the next 10 seconds.
The mode switch offers four stimulation modes. The mode switch is located under the front slide cover and you
can shift the switch to adjust the mode.
Be sure that when adjusting these stimulation modes, the intensity (Amplitude) output controls are set to the
minimum output positions.
3.1 C (Continuous):
In the "C" (Continue) mode, there is no change in the pulse rate. When set at the other modes, the interference
frequency changes over time. For example, when the frequency control was set at 100Hz, the interference
frequency would shift repeatedly from -25% to +55%; that is, from 75Hz to 155Hz.
3.2 1/1
When set at "1/1" with the frequency control set at 100Hz, the interference frequency would be at 75Hz for 1
second, then shift abruptly to 155Hz for 1 second, then back to 75Hz. The pattern will be repeated as long as
the mode selector switch is set in the "1/1" mode.