Netgear CG3000D Wireless Cable Modem Network Settings Change
ACTION REQUIRED – Charter Communications is Changing Your
Charter WiFi Network Settings
Charter Customer, Charter Communications is making changes to your Charter Internet
wireless cable modem to improve your Charter WiFi service and our ability to support your
service. With the next update to your Netgear CG3000D wireless cable modem, your wireless
network name (SSID) and passcode will change and you will be required to reconnect your
wireless devices with the new network settings. Once your network name has changed to
“CharterWiFixxxx” (where xxxx are the last four digits of your wireless cable modem MAC
address), and only after it has changed, follow these steps to reconnect your devices. Do not
attempt to follow these steps prior to that change occurring.
1) STEP 1: Find Your New Wireless Network Name (SSID)
Your network name will change to “CharterWiFixxxx”, where xxxx are the last four digits
of your wireless cable modem MAC address. The MAC address can be found on the
bottom of your Netgear CG3000D wireless cable modem. In the example below, the
Network Name would be “CharterWiFi0b68”.
Write your network name in the space provided under “My Network Settings”