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Inverted “L”
The CHA TD Inverted “L” configuration, see figure (6), is a broadband medium range HF antenna. This
configuration is somewhat unidirectional, favoring the Terminating Resistor end of the antenna as the frequency
increases. It is also provides effective ground waves communication during the day time on frequencies between
1.8 – 4.0 MHz without using sky wave propagation. The Inverted “L” requires two supports and should be
mounted at a height of 25 feet for best performance, but will provide good performance at a height of 10 to 20
feet and is usable when mounted as low as 3 feet.
Figure 6. Inverted L Configuration.
Site Selection and Preparation.
Select a site to deploy the CHA TD Inverted “L”
Wire configuration, see figure (6). The site
should have two trees or other support that
would enable the Termination Resistor and the
corner of the “L” in the Antenna Wire to be at a
height of around 25 feet. If a tall supports are
unavailable, any convenient object, such as a
fence post or the top of a vehicle, may be used
as a field expedient support with reduced
Remove the Matching Transformer (a), Paracord
(h), one Antenna Wire (b), Coaxial Cable (j), two
Stakes (i), both Counterpoise Wires (c), and one
Termination Resistor (g) from the Backpack (s).
If not already attached, connect a Carabiner to
each end of the Antenna Wire and to the Wire
Connector end of both Counterpoise Wires.
Connect the Matching Transformer. Refer to figure
(2) for steps (4)
Connect the Carabiner from the Counterpoise
Wire to the Transformer Eyebolt (n).
Connect the Wire Connector (r) from the
Counterpoise Wire to the Bottom Transformer
Connection (m). Tighten the wing nut finger
Connect the Carabiner from one end of the
Antenna Wire to the Carabiner from step (4).
Connect the Wire Connector from the Antenna
Wire to the Top Transformer Connection (l).
Tighten the wing nut finger tight.
Connect the UHF Plug (o) from one end of the
Coaxial Cable to the UHF Socket (k) on the
Matching Transformer.
Using a Bowline of similar knot, tie one end of
short length (around four feet) of Paracord to
the Carabiner connected in step (4).
Drive a Stake in the ground near the support
closest to the location of the radio set.