Thank you for purchasing and using the Chameleon Antenna
Remote Loop Tuner (CHA LRT). This tuner
is designed for remote electric tuning of the CHA F-LOOP 3.0 magnetic loop antenna. This permits the
antenna to be up to 20 feet from the operating position, such as on a balcony or deck, and enables more
precise tuning of the loop. The CHA LRT will only work with the CHA F-LOOP 3.0. Also, this is an electric
device for mechanically rotating the loop tuning unit capacitor in place of the standard manual tuning
it is not an electronic Automatic Tuning Unit (ATU). Please follow the instructions to properly install
and operate the Loop Remote Tuner.
Parts of the Loop Remote Tuner
The CHA LRT kit is comprised of the following components, see plate (1):
Plate 1. Components of the CHA LRT Kit.
Remote Tuning Unit
The Remote Tuning Unit (RTU) controls the rotation direction and speed
of the electric motor which mechanically adjusts the resonant frequency of the CHA F-LOOP 3.0
antenna in place of the standard Tuning Knob.
Motor Assembly -
The Motor Assembly replaces the standard Tuning Knob on the shaft of the
CHA F-LOOP 3.0 Tuning Unit and mechanically rotates the shaft of the Tuning Unit as controlled
by the Remote Tuning Unit.