4957D/E/F Microwave Analyzer Quick Start Guide
[Peak], [Sub Peak], [Right Peak], [Left Peak], etc.. You can also move the marker with
the [↑] / [↓] keys and the roller, or position the marker by setting the standard marker
according to the pop-up marker position and inputting the numerical value when pressing
[Normal Mkr] and [Delta Mkr].
Press [Mkr] → [Counter Off / On] or [Noise Marker Off / On] to turn on counting and noise
testing functions.
3.4 Measuring Signal Power in the Power Monitor (PM) Mode
The PM mode is an optional test function of the 4957D/E/F microwave analyzer, with the
measured frequency range covering 100 kHz
– 18 GHz (4957D), 100 kHz - 26.5 GHz
(4957E), 100 kHz
– 40 GHz (4957F). This mode, without the need of connection to an
external power probe, can conveniently test the power of continuous wave signals with a
certain bandwidth, and the channel bandwidth can be set to a larger value so as to
simulate the average power meter measurement.
The test steps are shown as follows:
1. Mode selection
Connect the measured signal to the spectrum input port of the analyzer through a cable,
and press [Mode] → [Power Monitor] to select the PM mode and press [OK] to finish the
mode setting.
Figure 3.8 Test interface of the PM mode
2. Setting reference level
Press [Amplitude], and the setting options related to reference will be shown in the right
side of the screen, then press [Refer Level 0.00
dBm] → [0] → [dBm] to set the reference
level to 0 dBm.
3. Setting center frequency
Press [Freq] → [Center] → [1] → [GHz], set the center frequency to 1 GHz, press [Freq]
→ [Span>] → [1] [0] [MHz] to set the span to 10 MHz.
4. Reading test results