Page 1: ... l G ltr lr ll J11 eE uujRlj0 i ili ilI I lr t i vY llr ...
Page 2: ...the moat in performance economy and co4 fort It is our desire that you wiu find flying it either lor business or i pleasure a pleasant and profitable experience This Owner s Manual has been prepared as a guide o help you get the most pleasure and utility Ircm your TWO TEN CENTURIONT It contains information about your cesena s equipment operating procedureB and perforniance and suggestions for its ...
Page 4: ...ugE hould ho romov d to check lor lhe presenc o o o x ru ll r r Jr ir liis i tgur l 1 TFI fettion I E I L OPERATING CHECK LIST One oI the lirst step in obtaining the utmost performance serYice and flying enjoyment from your Cessna is to familiarize yourself with your airplane s equipment systems and cortrols Ihis can best be done by reviewing this equipment while sitting in the airplane Ihose item...
Page 5: ...AKE OFF 1 wine Flaps 0 to 20 2 Power Full throttle and 2 00 RPM 3 Mir ture Lean for field etevation per fuel flo1l indicato placard 4 Elevator control Lift nosewheel dt 60 MPH 5 Climb Speed 105 MPH untll a1l obstacles are cleared then set up climb speed as shown in NORMAL CLIMB paragraph 6 Brakes App1y momentarily when airborne Landing Gear Retract in climb out 8 Wing FlapB Retract if extended aJt...
Page 6: ...tems listed in Check List form in Section I that require iurther explarEtion FUET SYSTEM Fuel is supplied to the engine from two integral fuel bays o ne in each wiug usable fuel in each bay for all flight conditions is 44 5 gallons when completely filled The fuel capacity of thls aircraft has been designed to provide the owner with a ctroice ot long range capability with partial cabin loading or r...
Page 7: ...or engine opera tion if t te engine driven pump should fail when the switch is in this position the pump operates at o ne oI two IIow rates depending upon the setting of the throtUe WitI the throttle at a cruise setting the pump is operating at maximum capacity supplying sufficient fuel flow to maintain flight When the throttle is moved tov rard the closed position as during let down Ianding and t...
Page 8: indicates the charging rate applied to the battery In the event the alterna tor is not functj oning or the electrica l load exceeds the output of the a1 ternator the ammeter indicates the discha ge rate od the battery CIRCUIT BREAKERs AND FUsES Most electrical circuits in the airplane are protected by rpush to reset circuit breakers mounted on the left side od the instrument panel Exceptions to...
Page 9: ... Ung position until the cycle is coEpleted then th handle automatically returns to neutral and pressure in the gystem ls r61ieved 2 6 IMPORTANT I e landing gear position hardle should be returned to neu tral nEnually iJ a mallunction occurs in the hydrauuc system which preveds tlrc gear position hardle lrom returning to neutral alter a cycle has been completed Continuous op eration with t te hardl...
Page 10: passengers STARTING ENGINE Prope fuel maragement and throttle adjustments are the determining factors in seculing ar easy start from your continuous flow fuel injection engine The procedure outlined in Section I should be followed closely as it is effective under nearly all operating conditions including hot and cold weather conditions Slight variations from this procedure may be neces sary a...
Page 11: ...of one side of the ignition system or should be cause for suspicion that the magneto timing is set in advance cf the setting speciJied It is important to check tuIl throttle engine operation early in the tale off run Any signs of rough engine operation or sluggish engine ac celeration is good cause for discontinuing the take off FUll tlrottle runups over loose gravel are especially harrnful to pro...
Page 12: ...bove sea leyel 11 a bakeq Landing go around climb the wing ftap setting shoutd be redrced to 20 immediately alter full power is appliira Aft er a obstacles are cleared and a safe altitude and airspeed are obtained the uring flape shoutd be retracted CRUISE Normal cruising is done between 6 and E power The power aet 2 12 il 1 OPTIMUM CRUISE PERFORMANCE BHP GAT HR ATTITUDE IRUE AIRSPEEO RANGC 89OAI ...
Page 13: ... procedure is especially im portant in rough field landings For short lield landings make a power off approach at 8 MPH with 2 14 30 flaps and land on main wheels fhst Immediately after touchdonn Iover the nose gear and apply heavy braking as required For thaximum brake effectiveless after all three wheels are on the ground retract the Ilaps hold full nose up elevator and apply majdmum possible bE...
Page 14: ...ion 2 PuU the emergency hand pump out to its full extension 3 Operate the harrd pump up and dov n until the down indicator green light comea on and continue pumping until the landing gear handle returns to neutral NOTE Retraction of the landing gEar rnanually will require use of the emergency hand pump therefore il the gear will not retract normally extend the gear land and have the malfunction co...
Page 15: ...h and hard extend landing gear within gliding distarce of field 6 If electrical pouier is available extend flaps as necessary within gliding distance of field 7 Turn olf master switch 8 Make a normal landing keeping nose wheel oft ground as long as practical 9 ff terraln is rough or soft plan a wheels up landing as follows a Approach at 90 to 100 MPH with gear and flaps retracted b If practical ex...
Page 16: ...MITATIONS OPERATI ONS AUTHORIZED Your Cessna exceeds the requirements fer airworthindss as set forth by the United States covernment and is certilicated under FAA Type Cer tificate No 3A21 With stardard equipment the airplane is approved for day and night opelation under VFR Additional optional equipment is available to in crease its utility and to make it authorized for use under IFR day and nigh...
Page 17: ...ed out on t le placard are as follorrs Sea Level 4000 Feet 8000 Feet 22 gal hr 20 gal ht 18 gallhr Power and Speed 285 ENGINE INSIRUMENT MARKINGS OIt TEIVIPERATURE GAGE Normal Operating Range Do Not Exceed OIt PRISSURE GAGE Idling Pressure Normal Operating Range Iuaximum Preasure ITIANITOTO PRESSURE GAGE Normal Operating Range BHP at 2 OO RPM Green Arc 240 F red line 10 psi red line 30 60 psi gree...
Page 18: ...h6 A160l trd seorins l B B seos Afi l Ct ild s otl Srd tedins I 9 Boss oe Opl Seolins t 2071 78 t 71 0 1 22 0 4 3a0 12 2 384 340 23 4 1 0 I 3 2 t03 11 7 10 Iotol AirGroh woiqht lLood d 3 100 156 2 ililil ll o ot rhi3 poirt l34OO oi 156 2 o th6 nt r ol srovirv nv6loPe ond 3in a thi point folli rithin ih nv6lop th loodi s i o 6Ptobl I No otty lull oil moy bo q3ium d or oll llighrs tto i u ollowobl l...
Page 19: ... 80 90 1oo 110 120 130 140 150 160 1OADED AIRCRAFT MOMENT IOOO POUND INCHES oRoutto HANDUNG The airplane is most easily and sa fely maneuvered during ground handling by ttle tow bar attached to the nosewheel NOTE When using the tow bar do not exceed the nosevrheel turning angle of 30o either side of center MOORING YOUR AIRPIANE Proper tie down procedure is your best precaution against damage to yo...
Page 20: ...he painted surfaces can be kept bright by washing witlr water ard mild soap followed by a rinse with water and drying witi cloths or a chamols Hareh or abra sive soaps or detergents which cause cor 5 2 rosion or mal e scratches should never be used Remove stubborn oil and grease with a cloth moistened with Stoddard solvent waxing is uirre ssrry to keep the painted surfaces bright However if desire...
Page 21: ...I AA 500 4 igl q ircraft Radio Station License Form FCc 404 if hansmitter Ynstalled To be carried in the aircraft at al1 times 1 Weight and Balance and asaociated papers late st copy of the iepair aia llteration Form Form FAA 337 if applicable 2 Aircra ft Equipment List To be made available upon request I l LI f B INSPECIION SERVICE AND INSPECTION PERIODS with your airptane you will receive an Own...
Page 22: ...each flight Do not operate on less than I quarts To minimize loss of oll tlrough breather fiU to 10 qualt level for normal flights of less than 3 hours For extended flight fill to 12 quarts U option4l oil filter is installed one additional quart is required when the filter element is changed 5 6 LUBRICATION AND SERVICING I pnocEDUREs DAILY Conrinued OIL FILLER When Dreflisht check shows low oil le...
Page 23: ...uerit lubrication is recommended SHII 4MY DAMPENER Refer to service Manual for detailed instructions on checking alld filling EACH IOO HOURS FUEL STRAINER Disassemble ard clean FUEL RESERVOIR DRAIN PLUGS Drain FUEI AIR CONTROL UNIT SCREEN CIEAN BRAKE MASTER CYLINDERS Check and fiu LANDING GEAR DOIVN LocK PAWLS Lubricate IIYDRAULIC SYSTEM FILTER Disassemble and clear VACUUM SYSTEM OIL SEPARATOR OPT...
Page 24: ...ES AND SERVICE DEALER DIRECTORY O DO S AND DONITS ENGINE BOOKLET Your Cessna Dealer has a current catalog of all Customer Services Supplies that are available many of which he keeps on hand Supplies whlch are not in stock he wiU be happy to order lor you 5 10 Figure 6 1 6 1 Ie ction II L L OPERATIONAL DATA J The operational data charts on the lollowing pages are presented for two purpoles first so...
Page 25: ... o o E E o I UJ v F 8 TE 5dE 9AR 5 6 9 9e 3 c E3 I i 3x F 5 gr i 6 e5b 8i e Ec 938 F g uiE 5dE 8R8 aEa P9g gE 3AE t E 8dE 8AB Vz EE Ea8 iEE 843 Zz va 488 EEE o9s o9s o9R S6 flEE BBE a R 3 6 3 6 2 STALL SPEED POWER OFF CO N FIGU RATION GRO S 1VEIGHT 3400 LBS oo At 300 IGIE OF BA 600 K I GEAR AND FLAPS UP 74 7S 105 GEAR DO TN FLAPS 20 66 7t 94 GEAR DO PN FLAPS 30 63 68 89 SPEEDS ARE MPH CAS Figure 6...
Page 26: ...935 q45 945 6 8 3 7 7 a 2 8 7 9 2 9 8 10 5 1150 1195 1225 1250 1200 1300 r310 1310 6 4 Figure 6 4 Sheet 1 of 5 Figure 6 4 Sheet 2 of 5 6 5 NORMAL LEAN MIXTURE Stondord condirionr Zoro Wlnd Grort w ighl 31oo Poondt 5OOO FEET RPM MP BHP IA5 MPH cat 61 GAT NO RESERVC 8e GAt NO RESEwEI ENDI HOURS NANOE l trEs ENDI HOUTS TANGE MILES 2500 24 23 22 21 76 68 64 187 184 180 1 6 15 8 15 0 14 2 13 4 4 1 4 3 ...
Page 27: ...985 9 5 9 0 7 2 7 7 9 9 1250 1290 1315 1340 1355 1350 comlEratlve purpoaes Figure 6 4 Sheet 3 of 5 6 6 Figure 6 4 Sheet 4 of 5 6 7 NORMAL LEAN MIXTURE St ndord Gonditioor Zorc Wind Grorr Woighr 3loo Poundt IO OOO FEET TPM UI P 7 lllP IA5 ut P l AAL I HOUB 6 GAt NO IEsElLE S GAt NO RESETVE ENDT HOUTS RANOE MIIES ENDT HOUR5 RANGE r llEs 2500 20 19 18 t7 59 5l 184 178 t72 154 t3 2 t2 4 11 7 11 0 4 8 ...
Page 28: ...onr Zrro Wind Gtor w ight 34oo Pound l5 ooo FEET rPl MP BHP TAS t tl GAL HOUN er oaqno r strvt 8e GAL NO RESERVEI ENOR HOUTS TANOE t tLEs ENDT HOURS RANGE ntt Es 2500 16 15 t4 50 48 42 166 155 r40 10 1 10 0 9 3 6 0 6 4 6 9 985 990 s 0 8 9 9 6 1375 1375 1350 2 00 16 15 47 41 r59 147 10 3 9 6 6 2 8 7 990 985 8 9 3 1380 1365 2300 16 15 44 4t 150 135 9 9 1 7 1 990 960 9 2 9 8 13 5 1330 22oO 16 l5 42 3...
Page 29: ...a operation in temperatures consistently below 20oF the Cessna winterization kit and non congealing oil cooler should be in stalled to improve engine operation The winterization kit consists of two shields to partially cover the cowl nose cap opening and insutation for the crankcase breatler line The non congealing oil cooler replaces the standard oll cooler and provides improved oil flow throwh t...
Page 30: ...e eugine primer may be installed in the control pedestal For quick smooth engine starts in zero degree temperatures u8e six strokes of the primer before crarking with an additional one or tvo strokes as the engine starts In colder temperatures use additional priming before crarking and tuln the auxiliary Iuel pump switch on rrHI while cranking AIter priming make sure the prime is fuU in and locked...
Page 31: abra sions and cleanliness Boots must be cleared and damage repaired prior to flighi DURING ENGINE RUN UP 1 Move de icing switch to ON position and check inJlation alld deflation cycle The pressure indicator light should be on during in flation part od cycle approximately 6 seconds The system should be checked through several cycles The de icing switch is a three position switch spring Ioaded t...
Page 32: ... this ry ru ice t foi outside the contour of the inJlated boots preventing its removal NOTE Wing and horizontal stabilizer de icing boots alone do not provide adequate protection for the entire airplane and unless hea ted pitot heated stal1 warning ard pro peller anti icing equipment is installed known icing conditions should be avoided DE ICER BOOT CARE De icing boots have a speciial electrically...
Page 33: ...cation assuring that the electrical system is not overloaded IMPORTANT If the ammeter indicates unusually high or low amperage durirg the 30 second cycle of operation a malfunction has occurred and it is imperative that the system be turned off Uneven arti icing may result causing propeller unbalance and engine roughness 5 When arti icing ls no longer needed move propeller arti ice switch to the O...
Page 34: ...educed to an operating pressure of 70 psi by a pressure regulatoa attached to the cyl inaer A ihut off valve is included as part od tlte regulator assembly An oxygen cylinder filler valve is located on the left side of ttle reaf baggage compartment wall Cyllnder pressure is indicated by a pressure gage locaied in the overhead oxygen console above the pilotts and front seat passenger s seata Six ox...
Page 35: ... when discontin uing use of oxygen system Thls automatically stops the flow of oxygen 7 Position oxygen supply control knob OFF OXYGEN DURATTON CAICUIATION The Oxygen Duration Chart figure 3 shonld be used in determin ing the usable duration in hours of the oxygen supply in your airplane The follo dng procedure outlines the method of finding the duration from the chart 1 Note the available oLygen ...
Page 36: ...P rSSU N r I P5IG 0 10 20 30 40 1600 1650 1 00 7725 7775 aMBTENT I F u N G TENAPERATURE I PRESSU RE I PSIG 50 60 70 80 90 r825 1875 7925 1975 2000 7 14 7 15 CESSNA ECONOMY MIXTURE INDICATOR The Cessna Economy Mixture Indicator is an exhaust gas temperature Eensing device which is used to aid tlrc pilot in selecting the most desirable fuel air mixture for cruising flight at less tllan TSVoPowet Exh...
Page 37: ...tude set barometric scale on a ltimeter to 29 92i and read pressure altitude on altimeter Be sure to return altimeter barometric scale to origiral baromdtric settfug aJter pressure alfl tude has been obtained 16 7 t7 WING IEVEIER A wing leveler may be installed to augment the lateral stability of ttle airplane The system uses the Turn Coordinator for roll and yaa sensing Vacuum pressure from the e...
Page 38: ...oves the tab in the nose up direction I When the switch is released it automatically returns to the center ofi position and elevator tab motions stops A servo unit which includes a motor and a chain driven solenoid operate clutch in the fuselage actuates the trim tab to the selected posi tion When the clutch is not energized trim switch odf the electric por tion of the trim system freewheels so th...
Page 39: ...l 4 2 14 Before Starting Engine 1 1 Before Tale Off 7 2 2 7O Brale Handle Parking 1 6 Brale Master Cylinders 5 8 c Cabin Air and Heat Contro1s 1 6 Cabin geating Ventilating and Defrostlng System 2 8 Capacity fuel insidc covers oll inslde covers Care exterior S 2 interior 5 3 landing gear 5 3 propeller S 3 Center of Gravity Moment Envelope 4 6 Check List Servlcing Intelvals 5 8 Cigar Lighter 1 6 2 ...
Page 40: ...cover before starting 1 1 fuel pump 2 2 instrument markings 4 2 oil inside covers 4 8 operatlon limitations 4 2 primer 1 6 2 starting 1 2 2 8 Equipment Cold Weather 1 Exterior Inspection Diagram iv F FiIe Aircraft 5 5 Filters induction air 5 8 oil 5 8 vacuum system afu 5 9 Flashing Beacon 2 6 F1tght Hour Recorder 1 6 2 4 Flight Instrument Group 1 6 Forced Landing 3 1 3 2 Fuel System 2 1 auxil iary...
Page 41: ... of Landing Gear Doors Operations Authorized 4 1 Optimum Cruise Performance 2 13 Optional Instrument Space 1 6 Owner Follow Up System 5 10 Oxygen System 11 cylinddr 5 duration calculation 7 12 duration chaxt 7 3 filler valve 5 7 operation 7 11 serviclng 5 11 inside back cover P Painted Surfaces 5 2 Parking Brake Hardle 1 6 Performance Specifications inside front cover Power inside front cover Powe...
Page 42: ...peed Indlcator 7 16 U Useful Load inside front cover Vacuum Vacuum voltage Filter 5 9 Separator S 8 2 4 Weight empty inside front cover gross inside front cover Weight and Balance 4 3 center of gravity moment envelope 4 6 loading graph 4 5 sample loading problem 4 4 Wheel Bearings 5 9 Windshield Windovs 5 2 Wing Flap Switch 1 6 Wing Leveler 7 l control knob l 6 emergency procedures T 18 operating ...
Page 44: ...codply with 4 below 3 R peat step8 l and 2 on each winS tank quick drain 4 If tho airplsDe has been oxposed to l ain sleet or rnow or if lie wiog firel lankr or firal Blrainer drai produce water the fuel reser voi s Eust bs choc ed for the presence of water by operating the fuel roservoir quick draiDs The airplar fuel systBm Dust bo purted to tie extent Eecesssry to insure tbat th re i6 Do water i...
Page 45: ... r i L flisnz i E t t Lr 2 r dl TAll 1C R CESSNA ar 1t toR sEt icE aT TriE lGl T IHT Lg 5 N A 5HIiID ct s5NA AIF CRAFT CO AIPA NY WICHIIA K ANSAS I ...