FibeAir IP-20C/S/E
User Guide
Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential
Page 432 of 597
The following command assigns Service Bundle 1 to Service Point 1 in Service
service[37]>sp egress-service-bundle set spid 1 service-bundle-
id 1
Attaching a VLAN Bundle to a Service Point (CLI)
For service points with an interface type of bundle-C-tag or bundle-S-tag, you
must classify a group of VLANs (VLAN Bundle) to the service point.
To classify a VLAN Bundle to a bundle-c-tag or bundle s-tag service point, go to
service view for the service and enter the following command:
service[SIP]>sp bundle cvlan attach spid <sp-id> vlan <vlan>
to-vlan <to-vlan>
To classify untagged frames to a bundle-c-tag or bundle s-tag service point, go
to service view for the service and enter the following command:
service[SIP]>sp bundle attach untagged spid <sp-id>
To remove a VLAN Bundle from a bundle-c-tag or bundle-s-tag service point,
go to service view for the service and enter the following command:
service[SIP]>sp bundle cvlan remove spid <sp-id> vlan <vlan>
to-vlan <to-vlan>
To removed untagged frames from a bundle-c-tag or bundle s-tag service
point, go to service view for the service and enter the following command:
service[SIP]>sp bundle remove untagged spid <sp-id>
To display a service point’s attributes, including the VLANs classified to a
bundle service point, go to service view for the service to which the service
point belongs and enter the following command:
service[SID]>sp service-point-info show spid <sp-id>
Table 129: VLAN Bundle to Service Point CLI Parameters
Input Type
Permitted Values
1-32 for P2P and MP
1-30 for MNG services.
The Service Point ID.
1-4094 (except 4092,
which is reserved for the
default management
The C-VLAN at the beginning of the range
of the VLAN Bundle.
1-4094 (except 4092,
which is reserved for the
default management
The C-VLAN at the end of the range of the
VLAN Bundle.