Building Instructions for the Schweizer 300 scale body kit
Congratulations on your purchase of the Century Helicopter Product’s Schweizer 300 scale helicopter
body kit. This kit offers an easy entry into scale radio controlled helicopter flying whether you are just
beginning into helicopters, getting into scale or an accomplished pilot. Though designed for the proven
reliability of Century’s Hawk helicopter mechanic Your new helicopter is sure to be an attention grab-
ber at your local flying site.
This Schweizer 300 body must be assembled and installed strictly in accordance with these instructions.
Failure to do so could cause failures in the body structure or the helicopter mechanics. Such failures
could result in serious injuries. It is recommended that if you are in doubt of your abilities, you should
seek the assistance from experienced radio control modelers and associations. As a manufacturer, we
assume no liability for the use of this product.
Pre-assembly Information
Upon opening the Schweizer 300 body kit, you will find the major fiberglass and clear component parts
and hardware bags. Hardware is identified by size of the fastener or part. This is done for ease of
assembly. Be careful when opening the bags as not to lose any hardware, whenever possible keep all
screws in a container until you use them up through the assembly process. Care has been taken in the
filling and packing of each bag. However, mistakes do happen. If there is a shortage or missing hardware,
please contact us at:
Century Helicopter Products
523 Sinclair Frontage Road
Milpitas, CA 95035