CEFALY DUAL Enhanced Quick Start Guide
Welcome to the CEFALY community! Use this as a guide for your
first treatment session, but remember, these are just highlights.
Be sure to read the full user manual before your first treatment
as well.
First Things First
1. Fully charge device until
indicator light turns green
(yellow = low battery)
2. Wash & dry forehead
just above eyebrows
3. Position electrode & attach
Starting Your Session
Select & confirm a treatment
program as follows:
When To Use
Use during a migraine attack
Use daily to prevent
future migraine attacks
How To Start Program
Tap button 1X
Tap button 2X
(with a slight pause in between
each press)
What You Will Hear
What You Will See
LED indicator flashing single
turquoise light intermittently
LED indicator flashing two
purple lights intermittently
Session Time
60 minutes
20 minutes
1 beep
2 beeps