7–RoCE Configuration
Configuring RoCE on the Adapter for Linux
BC0154501-00 P
(required for bandwidth and latency applications)
Install the Linux drivers, as described in
“Installing the Linux Drivers with
RoCE Configuration for Ubuntu
To configure RoCE on the adapter for an Ubuntu host, RDMA must be installed
and configured on the Ubuntu host.
To configure and set up RoCE for Ubuntu 14.04.5/16.04.1 Linux:
When you begin installing the Ubuntu server, verify if the basic packages,
modules, and tools are available for Ethernet and RDMA. Log in as ROOT,
and install all required packages.
Install the basic packages required for Ubuntu:
apt-get install -f build-essential pkg-config vlan
automake autoconf dkms git
Install the following RDMA packages required for Ubuntu:
apt-get install –f libibverbs* librdma* libibcm.*
libibmad.* libibumad*
Install RDMA user space tools and libraries required for Ubuntu:
apt-get install -f libtool ibutils ibverbs-utils
rdmacm-utils infiniband-diags perftest librdmacm-dev
libibverbs-dev numactl libnuma-dev libnl-3-200
libnl-route-3-200 libnl-route-3-dev libnl-utils
If the file
does not exist, create it
with the following content:
KERNEL=="umad*", NAME="infiniband/%k"
KERNEL=="issm*", NAME="infiniband/%k"
KERNEL=="ucm*", NAME="infiniband/%k", MODE="0666"
KERNEL=="uverbs*", NAME="infiniband/%k", MODE="0666"
KERNEL=="ucma", NAME="infiniband/%k", MODE="0666"
You might see a few packages already installed because of a
dependency, but make sure that all of the preceding packages are
installed (
dpkg --get-selections | grep <pkg_name>
). Follow the
package installation method prescribed by Ubuntu.