411, 611 & 325 OCU
User Manual
7.4.4 Transition to Passive Mode
The machine may be brought to a halt at any time by simply releasing the motion control button that will
deactivate the motion control, or in an emergency pressing the STOP button that will typically deactivate the
crane main contactor as well. When the STOP button is pressed the OCU sets the STATUS LED Red and the
ESTOP LED Green and sends a positive stop command to the MCU and then terminates transmission, both of
which will deactivate all commands and de-energize the crane main contactor.
From this stage the OCU can either be transitioned back to Active mode of switched off.
7.4.5 Transition to OFF Mode
From Passive mode the OCU can either be left until it powers down automatically, or manually put to sleep by
pressing and holding the STOP button for 3 seconds.
7.5 Control Functions
The system will have been configured in one of many different standard configurations or possibly a custom
configuration, there will be a configuration sheet that identifies all the functions in detail; some of the specific
functions are mentioned below.
7.5.1 Magnet/Vacuum Lift and Drop
Lift is always a single button function whereas drop is always a two-button function for safety, depending on the
number of available auxiliary buttons, the DROP may either be a separate button or combined with LIFT.
Separate DROP
To Drop press LIFT and DROP together for 3 seconds, release LIFT and then release DROP.
Combined DROP
To Drop press LIFT/DROP and ON/ALM together for 3 seconds, release LIFT/DROP then release ON/ALM.
7.5.2 Hoist or Crane Select
This function enables successive selection of two hoists or two cranes, typically by pressing one button on the
The sequence typi
cally is set to default to ‘no selection’ at switch on and each press of the button increments
around a loop of; no selection, A, B, BOTH, no selection etc.
Confirmation of the actual selection made is shown on the A, B, 1 and 2 LEDs on the top of the OCU.
It is necessary to press the select button for longer than 500mS to ensure positive selection.
7.5.3 Lights
Lights or latched function selection is an MCU based variation where the relay being Latched toggles between the
OFF and ON state and it is not affected by the state of the MCU Mainline Contactor relay outputs, i.e. when the
MLC relays turn off, this assigned relay will stay in whatever state it was, OFF>OFF or ON>ON. The state can
only be changed by turning the OCU back on and changing the state or resetting the MCUs power.
This prevents an area light on a crane automatically turning OFF when the remote is turned off.
7.6 RFID Option
These OCUs have an additional feature option of a 125kHz RFID reader that can be used in two primary modes