D i r e c t m o d e
Make a direct mode individual call
1. Enter the individual number of the recipient.
2. Press and hold the PTT key or
. The call is made to the entered
individual number and you can start speaking after a short tone is played
appears on the display.
Gateway and repeater
Your organisation may have separate direct mode gateway devices or direct
mode repeater devices. The devices operate on certain frequencies, and offer
an additional service to your radio when the radio is in a coverage area of a
compatible device, and operates in the direct mode on the same frequency as
the device.
When the radio is on a direct mode channel and group where a compatible
direct mode gateway device is available,
is displayed in the idle
mode, and during direct mode calls,
is displayed. On such a channel
and group, direct mode calls are routed through the gateway device. In
addition to transmitting group calls to the direct mode group, the gateway
device may also transmit outgoing group calls to a network mode talk group
predefined by your service provider, and you may also be able to receive
group calls from that group. Your radio does not support any other services
that may be offered by gateway devices.
If the connection to the gateway device is lost,
displayed, and the radio continues to operate in normal direct mode.
When calls are routed through the direct mode gateway device, they are not
connected as fast as normal direct mode calls.
When the radio is on a direct mode channel where a compatible direct mode
repeater device is available,
is displayed in the idle mode, and
during direct mode calls,
is displayed. On such a channel, the
coverage area in making and receiving direct mode calls may be extended.
The calls are routed through the repeater device to such radios in its coverage
area that are in the direct mode on the same channel, and that support that
type of repeater devices.
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