D i r e c t m o d e
7. Direct mode
In the direct mode, the radio operates without the network, so that the radios
communicate directly with each other. The direct mode enables one-way calls
both in the network coverage area and outside the network coverage area.
For details and availability, contact your service provider.
When the direct mode is active, only those radio functions that do not require
the use of the network can be used. In the direct mode, you cannot make or
receive network mode calls, use the Web browser or the data connection, or
activate fast menu items that require the use of the network. To use radio
functions that require the use of the network, activate the network mode, and
return to the network coverage area.
Note that the radio supports both group and individual calls as well as status
and text messages in direct mode too. See Direct mode status and text
messages on page 55.
Your radio has direct mode channels, and each channel can have up to three
groups. To receive a direct mode group call that is made to the selected or a
scanned group on the selected channel, the user must be in the coverage
area of the transmitting radio. The radio coverage areas of different users can
vary; even if you can hear a conversation, not all those speaking can
necessarily hear you. For communication to be efficient, all the users should
be within each other's radio coverage areas.
Repeater mode (optional)
To activate the repeater mode, select
When your radio operates in repeater mode,
the idle mode. When repeating calls,
and text
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