G r o u p c a l l s
Dynamic talk groups
Dynamic talk groups can be added to and removed from the memory of the
radio over the air by your service provider or network operator. When groups
are added or removed, a notification is displayed, such as
notification tone may also be played. Your organisation can define whether
the tone is played or not. It is also possible to set the tone
. To view the
. The changes are saved in the
; see
In each folder, the dynamic groups are shown at the end of the group list if the
folder has been set to show dynamic groups. For details, contact your
network operator or service provider.
Invisible groups
Your organisation can define groups that are not shown in the group lists.
However, you may receive calls from these groups, and the group is visible
during the call.
Receive only groups
Your organisation can define "receive only" groups to which you cannot
initiate group calls.
Start group communication
To start group communication, group calls must be on. Select a folder and a
talk group you primarily want to communicate with, activate scanning if you
want, and select the groups you want to scan. You may also define how you
want the PTT key to function.
Switch group calls on and off
1. Select
2. To switch group calls on, scroll to
. To switch group calls
off, scroll to
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