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BN  bolt-on neck

C6C  (or)  Sperzel tuning keys

AB6 fixed bridge body  (or)  AB6T tremolo routed body

FT6 fixed bridge  (or)  CWC tremolo 

AG1W  assembled pickguard

JP6C  jackplate

NP6C  neckplate

E2C  strap buttons

Copper foil shielding tape

Carvin strings:  1 set 942

TR1  truss rod adjusting wrench 


Screwdriver with a good quality #1 phillips tip

Screwdriver with a good quality #2 phillips tip

Small adjustable wrench for tightening tuning keys

Hammer for pounding in tremolo studs or string eyelet’s 

for FT6 fixed bridge

Wire cutters for cutting strings


A tung oil finish is by far the easiest method for a novice to achieve 

his own high quality finish with a minimum of equipment and experi-

ence.  If you decide to go with a gloss finish, we recommend that you 

use lacquer as opposed to polyurethane, because lacquer is easier to 

spray, has faster drying time and reduces dust problems.  Lacquer 

also sands easier between coats and polishes easier.  There are several 

good books, including the “Guitar Player Repair Guide” available in the 

Carvin catalog with instructions on how to do your own gloss finish.  


At Carvin we have used and experimented with most brands of tung 

oil finishes and have found Minwax brand to be the best in every 

respect.  One pint is enough to do a couple of guitars and is available 

at Home Depot or most home improvement type hardware stores for 

under $10.  You will also need about 6 sheets of extra fine sand paper 

(between 220 and 320 grit), a 1” paint brush, about 4 pads of extra 

fine steel wool (0000), a few small rags and a small bottle of furniture 

oil (Old English red oil or lemon oil).


Before you start applying the tung oil, you should first thoroughly 

sand the rounded edges smooth on the top and bottom of the body, 

so that there are no imperfections.  You can do the same for the neck.  

Before applying the tung oil, blow the fine sanding dust off of the 

body and neck or use a tack rag to remove the dust.


Pour a small portion of the tung oil into a small clean container.  

Immediately replace the cap on the can of tung oil so that the tung 

oil does not go bad.  Take a 1” wide paint brush and apply the tung 

oil into all of the interior routed holes on the body, including the neck 

pocket.  Now brush the tung oil onto the entire remaining surface of 

the body and neck.  It is not necessary to coat the ebony fingerboard, 

although it won’t hurt it.  If you apply the tung oil onto the finger-

board, wipe off as much of the excess as possible within 5 minutes 

before it starts to dry.  Wipe off the excess on the complete neck or 

body within 10 minutes.  Now let the neck or body dry for at least 5 

hours before recoating with more tung oil.  You can hang the neck up 

to dry with a piece of wire through one of the tuning key holes.  To 

hang the body to dry, run a piece of wire or string through one of the 

neck bolt holes.  After the neck or body dries inspect it for sanding 

imperfections before applying another coat.  Sand any imperfections 

out now with 320 grit sand paper.  When applying your 2nd, 3rd, 

and final 4th coat, it is not necessary to apply tung oil into the neck 

cavity or control cavity.  If you wish, you can also apply these coats 

with a small rag instead of a brush.  Apply these coats on fairly heavy, 

so that they penetrate into the wood pores, but always wipe off the 

excess within 10 minutes.  It is best not to rush the tung oil process.  

At Carvin, we apply 2 coats of tung oil the first day and 2 coats the 

next day about 6 hours apart.  On the 3rd day you can steel wool your 

finish to perfection.  Rub hard using 0000 grade steel wool on the top 

and bottom of the body, but don’t rub too hard on the sharp edges 

and corners, because you will rub through the tung oil finish.  If you 

do rub through, you can easily recoat this area and lightly rub it with 

steel wool after the tung oil dries.  After you have inspected your com-

plete neck and body for imperfections, you can wipe on a thin film of 

(Old English) furniture oil and wipe off the excess.  The furniture oil 

will bring out a nice sheen in the wood and give your guitar a smooth 

sexy feel.


For proper guitar assembly, follow the steps in the order that they are 
listed below. 


The large tuning key holes going through the headstock are 13/32” and 

the little holes on the rear on the headstock are drilled 1/16”.  To install 

the Carvin tuners, place one tuner into one of the 13/32” holes on the 

rear of the headstock and finger tighten a washer and nut on the top of 

the tuning key.  Finish installing the 5 remaining tuners.  Now line up 

the small holes in the tuners with the 1/16” drilled holes on the rear of 

the headstock.  Screw in the small #2 x 3/8” long wood screws into the 

1/16” holes using a #1 phillips head screw driver.  Finish by  tightening 

the nuts with a 10mm socket or small adjustable wrench.


As with the Carvin tuners the large holes going through the headstock 

are 13/32”, but the little holes on the rear of the headstock are drilled 

7/64” for the Sperzel alignment pins.  Assemble the tuners onto the 

neck.  Slip the alignment pin on the tuning key housing into the drilled 

7/64” hole on the back of the headstock.   Install the washer and nut 

on top of the headstock and tighten the nuts with a 7/16” socket or 

small adjustable Crescent type wrench.  Do the same for the rest of 

the Sperzel tuners.  


Use a #2 phillips head screwdriver to install the 2 strap buttons to the 

body.  Make sure that you start the screws straight into the 7/64” drilled 

Carvin Bolt-On Neck Guitar Kit Instructions 

The components in this kit are the same as those used in Carvins high quality custom shop guitars.  All holes are 

drilled, making it a simple step by step process to assemble your Bolt guitar.  Before you start assembling your 

guitar, check the component check list to make sure that you got everything.  It’s also a good idea to read the 

complete instructions before getting started.  Have fun!
