76-15230H 070815
Receiving inspection
inspect YoUR LoUDspeAKeR FoR DAMAge which may have occurred dur-
ing shipping. if damage is found, please notify the shipping company & cARvin.
sAve tHe cARton & ALL pAcKing MAteRiALs. in the event you have to
re-ship your unit, always use the original carton and packing material. cARvin
and the shipping company are not liable for any damage caused by improper
packing. sAve YoUR invoice. it will be required for warranty service if needed
in the future.
sHipMent sHoRtAge. if you find items missing, they may have been shipped
separately. please allow several days for the rest of your order to arrive before
RecoRD tHe seRiAL nUMBeR on the enclosed warranty card for your records.
Return the warranty card with your name and comments to us.
The LS Series from Carvin Audio are one of the best loud-
speaker values on the market today, offering superb sound at
high output levels. Your audience will appreciate the crystal clear
highs, high intelligibility in the vocal range and deep solid bass,
making all the difference in your performance. Building upon the
company’s long standing reputation for great sonic performance
coupled with proven reliability and solid value, the LS Series
loudspeakers deliver all the features musicians and mobile DJs
Encompassing main and monitor 2-way systems, 3-way sys-
tems and subwoofer systems, with active and passive models,
the LS Series is ideally suited to address a wide range of sound
reinforcement system requirements from intimate clubs to large
scale, high impact music venues. With key features like twist-lock
and quarter-inch connectors across all models, steel grills to pro-
tect the drivers, recessed steel handles for easy transport, and
high order – low loss biampable crossovers that ensure accurate
reproduction of music sources, Carvin’s LS Series loudspeakers
are just what your audience has been waiting for.
The powered LS-A speakers take the guesswork out of selecting
the ideal power source to drive your LS loudspeakers. The inter-
nal amplifiers are perfectly mated with the loudspeaker systems,
making setup and operation easier with less gear to haul. Active
full range systems feature 3 channel operation allowing use as a
standalone PA system with seperate inputs levels for combining
music sources (mixer/mic, instrument/mic, MP3/phone), a mix/
thru switch on the XLR output, and a 3-band EQ with mid-sweep
frequency. Active subwoofers feature a selectable active cross-
over at 80Hz or 120Hz with switchable high pass on the XLR
output. Class-D operation and switchmode technology keep the
amp modules cool running and lightweight. Built-in limiters help
prevent clipping distortion and protect drivers.
Going one step further, all LS Series loudspeaker enclosures
utilize cross grain laminated multi-ply hardwood construction.
Why is this important? Unlike other materials, multi-ply hardwood
construction results in a lightweight, rigid enclosure with reduced
flex and sonic coloration caused by cabinet resonance, and the
added benefit of a more structurally robust enclosure designed to
handle the rigors of the road. The rugged black Duratuff™ cover-
ing adds another layer of protection from dents and scrapes. The
Carvin Audio LS Series loudspeakers look every bit as compel-
ling as they sound!
800-854-2235 CARVINAUDIO.COM
LS Series