JAN 2021
TCM4 models
There are 2 TCM4 hardware models:
TCM4 standard hardware has both low (125 kHz, 134.2 kHz) and high frequency (13.56MHz)
antennas, allowing the user to access a wide range of RFID standards.
TCM4-BLE fitted with low and high frequency antennas like the standard TCM4 and also
integrates Bluetooth Low Energy to allow identification by Bluetooth with mobile phones
(required for iOS phones).
Supported tags
TCM4 reader supports a wide variety of high and low frequency tags, the list is detailed in the “TCM4
card compatibilities” leaflet.
CartadisID mobile application
TCM4 reader also supports the identification by the CartadisID mobile app using NFC technologies
(Android only) and Bluetooth Low Energy (Android & iOS).
The identification by Bluetooth is exclusively available on the TCM4-BLE hardware.
CartadisID is available on Play Store for Android version and Apple Store for iOS version