eAutoFresh Pre-Trip Inspection
Pre-trip testing of the eAutoFresh system is performed during Pre-Trip test P0. Operation of the system may be
observed during this test.
Upon initiation of Pre-Trip P0, the current state will be saved and the vent will fully close. This will be followed by
two sequences of opening to 100% and returning to the closed position. No other eAutoFresh mode of operation
will be available until the two cycles of opening and closing have completed. Upon termination of the test, the vent
will open to the previous state and operation will return to the previous mode.
If the last mode was gASLM, the vent will open to the preset FLO setting, the controller will start taking new read
ings and control based on those readings.
eAutoFresh Start-Up Procedure
To start the system, do the following:
1. Press the CODE SELECT key.
2. Press the Up or Down Arrow key until “Cd43” is displayed, then press the ENTER key.
3. Press the Up or Down Arrow key to access the desired mode of operation. When the mode operation is dis
played press the ENTER key to access the submenu parameters.
eAutoFresh Modes of Operation
When setting any mode of operation, complete the entire process to ensure all parameters are set.
a. OFF
A setting of OFF will disable all automatic venting operations. The eAutoFresh vent will be driven fully closed and
the eAutoFresh opening set to 0 CMH in Cd44. This is the default mode whenever a frozen mode of operation has
been selected. When the frozen set point is selected, the current eAutoFresh setting is saved. The vent position
will be restored when a perishable set point is selected.
The USER mode provides ventilation for commodities that require fresh air circulation. The flow rate can be
accessed through the submenu if a perishable set point has been selected. To set the flow rate, press the ENTER
key to activate the selection mode. When FLO appears in the left hand window, use the UP or DOWN arrow key to
scroll to the desired opening. The range is from 0 to 220CM (0 to 129CF) in increments of 5. Press the ENTER key
to set the value and begin operation.
TEST mode allows the operator to test the movement of the mechanical slide air vent and calibrate the CO
- When “tESt” appears in the left window, press the ENTER key to begin the test. The eAutoFresh slide will
open fully and then return to the closed position. The test may be observed by the operator to ensure proper opera
tion of the vent. After completion of the TEST, the unit will return to the previous mode of operation.
It is recommended that the calibration procedure only be performed during Pre-trip or when the container
has been fully vented.
will attempt to calibrate the CO
sensor. When “CAL” is selected the display will flash “CAL”. The operator is
to hold the ENTER key for 5 seconds. The display will stop flashing and read “CAL” for 5 seconds. The micropro
cessor will read the CO
value, and then compare that value to a known zero value. If the sensor is within the cali
bration parameter range, the microprocessor will determine the appropriate offset for the sensor. If the sensor is
outside of this range, for example if the container is loaded or has a high level of CO
, the controller will flash
“NOCAL” for 5 seconds then revert to the previous mode of operation.