March 2021
Page 63 of 143
59812-K007 Rev 17
Business Confidential
Slow Down Isolated
Indicates Yes if the Slowdown/Shutdown Relay is isolated.
Watchdog Fault
Indicates Yes if a Control Unit software failure has caused the Control Unit
to be automatically reset.
Detector Fault
Indicates Yes if a fault has occurred on any detector on the engine.
Memory Fault
Indicates Yes if a fault has been detected in the Control Unit memory
Although the Control Unit and detectors perform continuous automatic checks a suit of tests are
provided to allow manual testing of the system functionality to be performed.
To access the Test Menu, press the Test button
Figure 87
Test Menu User
Slow Down Relay
This test is not available at User level
Pre-Alarm Relay
-activates the relay.
Fault Relay
-activates the relay.
The Fault relay is normally activated and is deactivated to indicate a fault
Backup Alarm
The Control Unit checks the integrity of the Backup Alarm connection
between the Control Unit and the detectors. At the end of the test the
display with either show that the test has been passed or indicate the
detector(s) that failed.
Optics Test
Each detector performs an optics test to check for oil contamination within
the detector sample chamber. At the end of the test the display will either
show that the test has been passed or indicate the detector(s) that failed.
Front Panel Test
period and then switch on and off one at a time in sequence. This allows a
visual check to be made of the membrane indications.
The Event Log enables the user to interrogate the past 1024 events and can be accessed via the menus
below. The Event Log is a rolling buffer and when the events exceed 1024 then the oldest event is
dropped off the Event Log.
To access the Event Log from Figure 85