• Alarms on each floor and in hallways and stairways.
• Alarms in each room such as bed rooms and living
Additional alarms increase the security.
Installation of alarm:
1. Detach the alarm from the mounting base by twisting
counter clockwise. Use the mounting base to mark the
screw holes on the ceiling. Use the enclosed screws and
plugs to install the mounting base. Once the mounting
base is installed on ceiling or wall, attach the alarm by
twisting clockwise.
2. After mounting, test the alarm by pushing the test
button on the top and get a loud alarm tone.
Please note: The label in the product must not be removed
as it contains important information regarding the
The alarm may NOT be placed:
• In dusty rooms
• At the top of high pointed ceilings or in ceiling corners
or within 50 cm of a wall.
• In rooms where the temperature goes out side +4
C or above 90% relative humidity not condensing.
• In kitchen, garage and fireplaces where damp,
gases and smoke could occur. Place the alarm where
it is reachable in order to test the battery and for main
Fault finding: If the smoke alarm activates without
visible cause, the possible cause could be:
• Dust particles in the smoke chamber which can be re
moved by vacuuming the mesh.
• High humidity condensing which can be resolved by
drying the smoke alarm.
If the smoke alarm does not work when the test button is
pushed, the probable cause is a faulty battery and the
smoke alarm must be replaced.
Other information: Do not paint the alarm.
Disposal: For product, please dispose properly at the
end of life. This is electronic waste which should be
Please note local regulations about information to your
insurance company regarding installed smoke alarms.
WARNING: All alarms should be assumed as due to
actual fire and the dwelling should be evacuated imme-
WARNING: To prevent injury, this apparatus must be
permanently fixed to the ceiling/wall in accordance with
the installation instructions.
WARNING: Batteries shall not be exposed to excessive
heat such as shine, fire, or the like. Note the local coun-
try regulations regarding installation.
Commercial reference: 2007
Developed by CAVIUS
CAVIUS smoke alarm is designed for private homes,
camping trailers and caravan installations.
Safety instructions:
The device comes with a 3V lithium battery. Batteries
are to be handled with care and battery powered devices
should be kept out of reach of children. Do not try to
recharge or burn the batteries.
Technical information:
Type of alarm: CAVIUS smoke alarm is a photo elec-
tric smoke alarm.
Alarm signal: Fire alarm condition is indicated by a series
of repeated tones. The minimum sound level is 85 dB
at 3 meters.
Battery: Powered by a non-replaceable 3V CR123 Lith-
ium battery with 10-year life (included).
IMPORTANT: Do not replace the battery. Replace
the product if the battery fails.
Low battery indicator: A short “beep” will sound and
LED flash every 48 seconds when the battery is near the
end of life. In this stage it will continue for a minimum
30 days.
It is recommended to change the smoke alarm after 10
years, or if the alarm has suffered any damage. The
alarm is not active unless it is inserted in the mounting
Always check the alarm after inserting in the mounting
base (allow a few seconds before testing).
Placement: The smoke alarm is designed for placement on a
ceiling or wall. The smoke alarm should be a minimum of
50 cm from the wall, with a minimum of one smoke alarm
per floor and a maximum distance between smoke alarms
of 10 meters.
Alarm signal: The alarm has a visual and acoustic alert
tone. In the passive state, the LED will flash every 48
seconds to indicate normal function. In an alarming state
the LED will flash and the alarm will emit a sweeping
sound pattern design to alert occupants.
Hush function: In case of unintentional alarm condition
or false alarms, press the top button. This will hush the
alarm for 10 minutes, after which time it will automatically
resume its normal alarm function.
Maintenance: The smoke alarm should be vacuum
cleaned once per quarter, and it can be wiped with a
damp cloth. (Do not open the alarm).
Test the alarm at least once per quarter by pushing the
test button. The alarm will self test and give a loud alarm
The best places to mount the alarm:
• Place an alarm between possible fire sources and bed-
rooms as minimum,
The CE mark affixed to the product confirms compli-
ance with all relevant European directives and har-
monized requirements in the EN14604 standard and
Construction Products Regulation (CPR) 305/2011
along with the Radio Equipment Directive (RED)
2014/53/EU for all wireless family products.
All Rights reserved: CAVIUS assumes no responsibility
for any errors, which may ap pear in this manual. Fur-
thermore, CAVIUS reserves the right to alter the hard-
ware, software, and/or specifications detailed herein at
any time without notice, and CAVIUS does not make
any commitment to update the information contained
Developed by CAVIUS, Jens Juuls Vej 28 K
, DK-8260
Manufactured in P.R.C.
Sound &
Test button
Mounting base
Chamber filter
Mark up screw holes with a pen
Use the enclosed screws
and plugs for installation
Minimum 50cm
from wall
Minimum 30cm and maximum 50cm from
EN 14604:2005 + AC :2008
DoP no.: 2007
The CE and RED declaration of conformity and DoP can be downloaded from: http//www.cavius.com
The paper version of the DoP is available free of charge upon request.
Declared performance 4.1-4.19 + 5.2-5.24: Passed.
127404 rev10
©2022 Carrier. All Rights Reserved.
All trademarks and service marks referred herein are property of their respective owners.